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我想转让这个汽车修理厂。I want to transfer the garage.

本卡不可以转让。This card is not transferable.

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贵俱乐部转让开支。Your clubs transfer spendings.

此优惠不能转让。This offer is non transferable.

此车票不得转让。This ticket is non-transferable.

转借、转让用户帐号的。Lending or transferring accounts.

飞机票是不能转让的。Airline tickets are nontransferable.

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会员卡不可转让或外借。Membership card is non-transferable.

会员证不可转让给他人使用。Membership card is not transferable.

会籍不可转让。Membership title is non-transferable.

这些权利均可被迪威公司转让。These rights are assignable by Devco.

会员卡内所储存球局不可转让。Both membership card cannot be attorn.

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你知不知道他的转让人将是谁?Do you know who is to be his endorser?

她立上契约将其房屋转让给旧房从。She deeded her house to the new owner.

她立下契约将其房屋转让给新房主。she deeded her house to the new owner.

他立契约把财产转让给女儿。He deeded the property to his daughter.

Jeep牧马人可以转让后窗。"Jeep" Wrangler for "sale" rear window.

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用户帐号不得转借、转让。Accounts may not be lent or transferred.

不可转让的门票,就是不可剥夺的。Nontransferable tickets are unalienable.

技术转让之惑——竞争对手还是合作伙伴?Transferring technology, creating rivals