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那将是招致失败的下策。That would be a losing game.

但是实际上是谁招致的呢?But who in fact kicked them off?

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但这也许会招致一场喧嚣。However, it might cause a clamor.

该节目招致观众诸多不满。The program displease many audiences.

这一迟疑不决的态度已招致严重警告。The hesitation has brought stern warnings.

他的话招致他父亲的不悦。His words secured his father's displeasure.

这位大臣招致国王的冷遇。The minister incurred the king's disfavour.

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行为放荡会自然地招致疾病的惩罚。Intemperance is naturally punished with diseases.

不要吃夜宵,吃夜宵很轻易招致瘦削。Don't eat supper, eat supper very easy incur gaunt.

哥伦布交换也招致其它代价。The Columbian Exchange carried other costs as well.

而由此招致的反革命也半斤八两。But here comes the counter-revolution just the same.

清理行动在一些地区招致居民的愤怒。The culls are provoking an angry reaction in places.

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经济的下滑招致了这种趋向。The economic downturn contribut thenes to the trend.

这种反应现在很可能招致技术犯规。That reaction is now likely to draw a technical foul.

招致能放大和动力化平信。The insanity can magnify and motorize the snail mail.

运用时,用力拉扯音频线,能够招致耳机保护。When used force pull audio cable, headset may damage.

怕金太夫人会招致极刑。Afraid of gold TaiFuRen will incur capital punishment.

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散发恶臭、招致害虫、又有碍观瞻。It often stinks, attracts vermin and creates eyesores.

似乎,这是典型特征招致的结果。This is the result of typical territoriality, it seems.

贪得无厌的人,必然招致祸殃。Insatiably greedy people will surely invite misfortunes.