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我清楚这部分。I know this part.

我不大清楚.I`m not too sure.

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我们都清楚这一点。We all know this.

我听不大清楚。I can't hear clearly.

现在还不清楚,很难预料。It's hard to predict.

我很清楚,我有公主病。I am a proud princess.

我确实搞不清楚I really can't see it.

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我的脑子不清楚。My brain dosen't work.

事实上它一点也不清楚。It is not at all clear.

我不清楚,你的母亲没病,我周四见到她身体很好。Your mother wasn't ill.

现在像钟鸣一样清楚?。Are now clear as a bell?

她的思路很清楚。She thinks very clearly.

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他说话声小,但很清楚。He spoke low but clearly.

东尼看不太清楚。Tony can't see very well.

但是故事情节却不清楚。But the story was unclear.

也使我清楚,不会弄错”。Lord, make it clear to me!

这些都需要好好想清楚。Think through all of that.

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这是一个说不清楚的问题。This is a loaded question!

哪个句子比较清楚?。Which sentence is clearer?

你得学着听清楚点。You gotta learn to listen.