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美妙的童声向夜莺在歌唱。Children's voice like nightingale singing.

这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.

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他的声音突变后,他不能再唱童声高音部了。After his voice broke, he could no longer sing soprano parts.

这次童声合唱还吸引了不少同龄的孩子观看。Also this performance attracted many Chinese children to come.

纯净天真的童声缭绕,仿佛一群天使在歌唱,清澈,纯洁而不含杂质。The innocent voices were filled with purity and sounded like angles.

他们的歌声甜美流畅、令人惊叹,是当之无愧的最好的童声合唱团。They are mellifluous and marvelous and without doubt the best choir.

另据悉,韦唯的两个儿子也参加了闭幕式童声合唱的演出。Two of Wei's sons also performed in a children's chorus at the ceremony.

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科罗拉多童声合唱团是世界最著名的三大合唱团之一。Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three best children's chorales.

今天跟大家分享几首西班牙语童声基督教唱诗歌。Share with you today the first several Christian Children sing Spanish poetry.

在欧洲,也采取这种极端的做法,以使得男孩在进入青春期时仍保持童声。In Europe, such extreme practices were used to retain the singing qualities of boys as they moved into adolescence.

马来西亚童声合唱团也曾两度有幸与维也纳童声合唱团同台演出。The Operafest Children's Choir was also granted the unprecedented honor of singing alongside the VIENNA BOYS' CHOIR, twice.

柯达伊教学法对音乐教师在童声合唱教学、训练中的要求。Part six expounds the requirements of Kodaly Teaching Approach for music teachers in children's chorus teaching and training.

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童声合唱由于儿童不同年龄段差异较大,在作品选择及声音训练方面都有着细致的要求。Mixed Choir has its superiority of all kinds of vocal variation, while it is obviously less gentle, mild and quiet than Female Choir.

声线带着南方的湿气和温暖,如童声般清澈,给人一种既单纯又妖艳的感觉。The sound is taping the south moisture and warm, if the child's voice is limpid , for human one kind both pure and beautiful feeling.

我们希望马来西亚童声合唱团有一天能够像维也纳男童合唱团一样,成为马来西亚的骄傲。It is our hope that someday, The Operafest Children's Choir will make Malaysia proud just as The Vienna Boys' Choir has done for Austria.

那个曾打了他的儿子一巴掌的法国男子用餐叉敲击着酒瓶打起了拍子,那男孩爬上他爸爸的膝盖,用童声歌唱起来。The Frenchman who had slapped the boy beat rhythm with his fork against a bottle. The lad climbed on his lap, singing in a youthful soprano.

中国童声合唱节,建立一个全国性的节日,是经中国国务院批准,这是成立于2006。The Chinese children's Chorus Festival, established in, is a national festival approved by the State Council of China, which is established in 2006.

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若是海丝特·白兰能够在别的孩子高声叫嚷的童声中,听到珠儿那莺啼燕啭般的清脆嗓音。And then what a happiness would it have been, could Hester Prynne have heard her clear, birdlike voice mingling with the uproar of other childish voices.

吉隆坡派乐雅酒店大厅回响着马来西亚童声合唱团的悠扬歌声,就好像张开双臂迎接这感恩的季节。The lobby of Parkroyal Kuala Lumpur lit up with the melodic voices of The Operafest Children's Choir as they welcomed the season of giving with open arms.

科罗拉多青少年音乐艺术团是和维也纳童声合唱团、英国伊顿公学童声合唱团齐名的世界三大童声合唱团之一。Colorado Children's Chorale is one of the three world-famous children's chorales, together with Vienna Children's Chorale and Eton Children's Chorale in Britain.