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如果你屡教不改老偷懒,你可能会被活活扔到海里。If you slacked consistently, you could be thrown overboard.

当然,如果屡教不改,我们将会有相应的处罚。Of course, if incorrigible, we will have the appropriate punishment.

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那个屡教不改的惯犯从监狱里释放时,公众感到愤慨。The public was outraged when the vardened criminal was released from prison.

许多女性都有过这种因小失大的经历,但痛心疾首后却屡教不改。Many women have been penny wise and pound this experience, but hate bitterly later recidivism.

那些屡教不改的腐败分子绝对逃不过党和政府严厉的审判。The corrupt elements who absolutely incorrigible party and the government can not escapeasevere trial.

如果我屡教不改,我将会被送到校长室,为我的不良行为道歉,老师也会和家长联系。If I regularly misbehave in class I will be sent to the principal to explain my behaviour and my parents will be contacted.

要求他们依据协定之明文规定支付巨额罚金,以此为其屡教不改之行径付出代价。Nobody dared to suggest that they should be subjected to the enormous fines specified in the pact for persistent offenders.

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屡教不改的个人所面对的危险是而且必须是确确实实的,否则法律就不能够有效地震慑破坏法律者了。"The threat for persistent individuals is, and has to be, real, or no effective deterrent to breaking the law will be in place, " he added.

这种评价给人的感觉是,它应该仅适用于那些犯下罪行、屡教不改或是造成严重破坏的人。Such a judgment feels as if it should be reserved for those who have been criminal, repeatedly negligent, or created damage on a grand scale.

我们在开车的时候总是会情不自禁而且屡教不改地把视线从道路上移开,转而去用手机查收邮件或发短信。As drivers, we have done poorly resisting the temptation to move our eyes away from the road to check e-mail or send text messages with our cellphones.

指行为人的盗窃数额虽未达到数额较大的起点,由于行为人一贯或多次实施盗窃行为,屡教不改的,是构成盗窃罪的重要标准。The amount of theft didn't meets the standing point for a larger amount. Because the actor acts incorrigible, it's an important criterion for constituting theft.

美国加州甚至规定,屡教不改的醉驾者还要参观停尸房,让他们看车祸中死亡者的残破尸体,希望他们从此警醒。In California, repeat drunk drivers are even made to visit mortuaries to view mutilated corpses so as to impress on them the serious consequences of drunk driving.

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国务院新闻办副主任蔡名照在会议上强调,对屡教不改、影响恶劣的网站,要曝光一批、处罚一批、关闭一批,绝不姑息迁就。Cai pointed that, for those incorrigible , ill-influencing websites, we have to expose a few of them, punish some of them, and shut down some of them, without any compromise.