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唱片的封套、唱片集、唱片库。A record sleeve, album, library.

你首先应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。You should rip the cover off the box first.

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制作自己的唱片封套,插页和标记。Create your own CD covers, inserts, and labels.

莱门把那包东西顶上的封套撕开。Lyman tore the cover from the top of the package.

请在封套上注名你的影片的名称。Please mark the envelope with the title of your film.

如有任何付款,请用封套,不用黏附。同时,请使用表格1040-V。Enclose, but do not attach, any payment. Also, please use Form 1040-V.

此外,所有新的封套都配备了可再次密封的胶带。Moreover all new envelopes are equipped with a resealable sticky tape.

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KK不满新人邢丰的唱片封套,又要荣跟进。XingFeng KK dissatisfaction the new album covers, and must honor follow up.

摄影活性测试能确保封套不与您的照片发生化学反应。This test ensures that the enclosure will not react chemically with your photos.

封套生产厂商目录会显示摄影储藏产品是否已通过摄影活性测试。Supplier catalogs should indicate whether a photographic storage product has passed the PAT.

一旦秋天我风干了我的种子,我就在每一个种子箱或封套中加入一袋干燥剂。Once I air-dry my seeds in the fall, I add a silica packet to each seed container or envelope.

你一定要在有封套的行李牌上注明自己的姓名、地址和电话号码。Make sure your covered luggage tags are labeled with your name, address, and telephone numbers.

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你提到的这张合辑顶多算得上是一张塞在难看的唱片封套里的烧录CD,尽是些奇怪的声音。But the CD you asked was just a burned CD in an ugly sleeve with strange combinations of strange sounds.

Mai的公司,Jellymon,设计衣物、唱片封套、海报和艺术设备。Mai’s company, Jellymon, designs clothing, urban collectibles, record albums, posters, and art installations.

那些可以保护其免受污染物质和脏污的损害的玻璃或塑料封套应该是防紫外线的。The glass or plastic covering, which protects the item from pollutants and dirt, should contain UV filtering.

保护您的圣经不被碰坏,使用这款黑色皮革圣经封套是最好的方法。For an elegant touch to protect your Bible, there is nothing better than this soft, black leather Bible Cover.

文中通过分析封套封存环境的各种潮湿因素对现有干燥剂用量的计算方法进行了改进。The calculational methods of dryer's dosage was improved based on analyzing all kinds of damp factors in envelops.

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如果邮资足够,地址,封套齐备,你的作品录象带将被退回。Tapes will be returned ONLY if a self-addressed, stamped envelope with sufficient postage is included with your entry.

唱片封套没有任何摺痕、圈印或是裂缝。封套有剪裁过的缺角也不能当NM。NM covers have no creases, ring wear or seam splits of any kind. Covers with cutout markings can never be considered NM.

如果你想被通知你的作品何时被处理,请寄你的地址,名片或者封套。If you would like to be notified when your entry has been processed, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped card or envelope.