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没有热情。No passions.

热情于谁。Enthusiasm for who.

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从那天起,艾博特先生有着热情发明一种新药。From that day on ,Mr.

一个是后者热情的款待。One was a houseguest.

你的热情在哪里?What is your passion?

蒂姆热情地招呼她。Tim greets her warmly.

充满热情,理想化。Passionate. Idealistic.

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她热情可爱。She is warm and lovely.

他可是个热情的钓鱼者。He is a passionate angler.

她比富兰克更热情。She was warmer than Frank.

他没有不热情帮助的。He failed for want of help.

他的话给她的热情浇了一盆冷水。His words iced her passion.

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她热情地握我的手。She pressed my hand warmly.

热情应该成为你的目标。Passion should be your goal.

热情的人是行动派。Passionate people are doers.

罗莎带着巨大的热情写作。Rosa wrote with great verve.

我们会对什么表现出热情?Where do we show enthusiasm?

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布朗族人真是太热情了。Blang people are so friendly.

我是热情。也许,你需要我。I am enthusiasm. you need me.

他们的热情减退了。Their enthusiasm slacked off.