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第三类被称为“保护者”,为保护动物奔走疾呼。The third, called “protectionists,” strive to be the animal’s advocate.

无论如何,为一些新的科学工具疾呼呐喊首先使得那些新进展成为可能。First, however, a shout-out to some of the tools that made those insights possible.

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特别是在北京,不仅仅是开发商疾呼,消费者的声音也很震耳。Especially in Beijing, not only developers saying that the voice of consumers are shelling.

在过去的35年时间里,我为了儿童而奔走,为了人人病有所医而疾呼I haven't spent the past 35 years in the trenches advocating for children, campaigning for universal health care

这两桩并购案彰显了在这个一直疾呼业界整并的市场中,大型金矿业者并购的高昂兴趣.Both takeovers underscore the appetite for large gold mergers in a market which has been crying out for consolidation.

京华时报星期六报道说,献血奖章获得者谭疾呼要卖掉他的奖章换些钱用。Tan Jihu, a blood donation award recipient, tried to sell his medals for profit, newspaper Beijing Times reported on Saturday.

即使如此,也没有任何迹象显示洪都拉斯民众象外界人士那样热切疾呼,要求总统回归。Even so, there is no evidence of Hondurans clamouring for the president's return with anything like the enthusiasm of outsiders.

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乌滋别克斯坦的起义在一场浴血奋战中告终,同时引发了世界各国的疾呼对其所谓的组织者进行审判。And alleged organizers of the uprising in Uzbekistan that ended in a bloodbath and caused a global outcry are set to go on trial.

我说,我并不知道是什麽,在羊角号里,让我们说,会有罪恶感的这种疾呼被表达出来,从涵盖焦虑的大它者那里。I said that I did not know what, in the shofar, let us say the clamour of guilt, is articulated from the Other who covers anxiety.

部分上讲是为什莫在人们疾呼财政和住房资产,也是为什莫公司和家庭更有意于贷款。That is partly why there has been such a clamour for financial and housing assets, and why firms and households have been more willing to take on debt.

一位前总统候选人在广播里疾呼,“若是检察长与总统在私人办公室里密会,那还有什么公正可言?”A former Presidential candidate said on the radio, “What justice is there going to be if the Attorney General meets together in the private office of the President?

业务用户正为预测分析而疾呼,但是提供并支持快速、高效、易用的工具将是数据管理专业人员所面临的严峻挑战。Business users are clamoring for predictive analytics, but providing and supporting fast, effective, easy-to-use tools can be a serious challenge for data management professionals.