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我们可以同路回去.We're going back the same way.

那人是谁与我同路?Who is this man that comes my way?

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你去哪儿?或许我们同路。Where to? Maybe we're in the same way.

与我同路旅行的人成了我的好同伴。My fellow travellers made good companions.

尽管我不和你同路,我还是很乐意送你一程。Though I'm not going your way, I still would like to give you a ride.

人生共度万里长,风雨同路九载情!Spend life thousands of miles long, rain go the same way 9 Sentiments!

但是,最后的结局,是从餐厅里出来时,竟然没有一人同路。However, in the end, came out from the restaurant, No one even go the same way.

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第二天和她同路的那些人,也并没有使韦翰在她心目中相形见绌。Her fellow-travellers the next day were not of a kind to make her think him less agreeable.

如你碰巧看到他们或者他们和你同路,当面告知那就更好。Even better is telling them in person, if you happen to see them or if they’re on your route.

弗朗茨·彼德·舒伯特非常怕羞,他同路德维希·冯·贝多芬的第一次见面也成了最后一次见面。So shy was Franz Peter Schubert that his first meeting with Ludwig van Beethoven was his last.

弗朗茨彼得舒伯特非常害羞,他同路德维希冯贝多芬德的第一次见面也成了最后一次见面。So shy was Franz Peter Schubert that his first meeting with Ludwing van Beethoven was his last.

经常,我们很难找到那些选择我们和我们同路的人们。Often, we find ourselves unable to find those other rare individuals who are choosing the same path as ours.

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本文研究松散网络中,随机路点模型下不同路由协议的节点分布。This paper focused on the distribution of nodes in different routing protocols with random waypoint model in loose networks.

该方法能够实时地分析域同路由的动态性,并且几乎不会对网络和路由器造成额外的负担。The system analyzes the inter-domain routing dynamics in real-time with less extra load for both the network and the touters.

那天努尔向她谎报没有去罗马的航班,但却主动提出开车送她,因为他正好和她同路。After Nour falsely claimed there were no flights to Rome, he offered to give her a lift because, he claimed, he happened to be going that way.

一项研究称,上下班同路的夫妇感觉更幸福。专家认为这让夫妇们感觉到自己在生活中拥有更多共同目标。Married couples are happier if they travel to work in the same direction, says a study. Experts believe it makes couples feel they share wider goals in life.

我如果注定牺牲于服务这个国家或那个国家,我唯一的希望是,在倒下咽气之前至少我可以带上最多的敌人同路。And if I must die, in the service of this or that country, I only hope I can at least take as many of the enemy with me as possible before I fall and breathe my last.

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如果每天上下班的路上,你的手机经常断线或者不在服务区内,向那些和你同路但是却没有这些问题的人询问他们的手机入的是哪家网络。Be a detective.If you're getting a lot of dropped calls or dead zones on your commute every day, ask a cell user with the same commute who doesn't have your problems who his or her carrier is.