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她疯狂而凶猛地厮打著。She fought with crazed ferocity.

那些狗在为一块骨头厮打。The dogs were fighting over a pearl.

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我看到两个妇女在街上厮打。I saw two women fighting on the street.

狗和野猫猛烈厮打。The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.

两个男孩边厮打,边在水中挣扎。Still fighting, the two boys struggled in the water.

厮打中,张红持刀猛刺宋怀背部、颈部数刀。Start fighting, Hong knife stabbed SONG Huai back, neck several knives.

有两个家伙在外面的大街上拼命地厮打。There are two guys beating the hell out of each other in the street outside.

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他们经常喝很多酒,然后就彼此厮打,揍孩子们。They often drank a lot and then they fought each other and beat the children.

混乱无序的场面和相互厮打时常可见,而且已经有数人在乱斗中丧生。Chaotic scenes and scuffles are common, and several people have died in the melees.

但是,她与外国力量厮打的经验比她经常暗示的要少。But her experience of grappling with foreign powers is slighter than she often implies.

我已经准备好了面对她的挣扎,也许是一场追逐,厮打甚至要把她扭倒在地才行。I was prepared for a struggle, perhaps a chase and a tackle and wrestling her into restraints.

在接近开普敦时,在走廊里发生了争执和厮打,我心里一沉。As Cape Town approached there was an argument and a scuffle in the corridor, and my heart sank.

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四个人都一言不发,这样的沉默带着势在必得的意味,实在是比嘈杂的厮打声更有杀伤力。None of them said anything and somehow this silence, the sureness of it, was more lethal than noise.

在他们紊乱的厮打中,印第安·乔把医生杀死了,然后又嫁祸于被打昏的波特身上。In their disorderly takes, Indian Joe doctor killed and then referred to knocked out upon the potter.

一天夜里,他喝醉了酒,与我母亲厮打起来,他那种自我毁灭的劲头猛地爆发了出来。One night his drunken self-destructiveness came to a head in a fight with my mother I can't ever forget.

这大圣也使神通,变得与二郎神身躯一般高大,举棒再与二郎神厮打。The "Greatest Sage" stretched himself as high as God Erh-lang. He held up his staff to strike at the God.

刚到门口,看到林松岭、潘兴等和一伙人在门口厮打起来。Just arrived at the entrance, saw Lin Songling, Pan Xing and so on and group people thrashes in the entrance.

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很多年前,有一个组合因为成员间的不合引发厮打而解散。There was a group, many years ago, broke up because of the incompatibility between members which led a fight.

它们在摇摇晃晃的树干上前前后后厮打着,既像是在玩耍又像是在证明谁才是老大。They shuffled backwards and forwards teetering on the splintered wood as they playfully tried to show who was boss.

北卡莱罗纳一家快餐店的经理抓到一个小偷,当时他已夺过他的枪,两人正在厨房厮打。At this North Carolina fastfood restaurant, the manager takes on a robber, grabbing his gun, wrestling with him in the kitchen.