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没人喜欢跟一副空壳打交道。No one wants to deal with a façade.

他先将奶油酥空壳缝合在一起,但是做出来的裙子跨掉了。At first, he sewed empty cream puffs together, but the dress collapsed.

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“实际上,买下这样的武器装备的人购买到的不过是个空壳,”她补充道。"In effect, whoever buys equipment like this is buying a shell", she added.

空壳婚姻地配头两边之间没很强地眷恋感。In empty-shell marriages the spouses feel no strong attachment to each other.

媒介不过是个空壳,讯息才是填满它的内容。The media are just empty containers. The message is what fills those containers.

胸无点墨,却要充当学士,这样的人难道不就像那空壳稻穗吗?Unlettered, yet they act as a bachelor, so it not like that people do shell rice?

但是黑桐干也是一个关心他人的人,而玄雾皋月是一个没有过去的空壳。But Mikiya cared for other people while Satsuki was an hollow person without a past.

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在这个硕大无朋的空壳子里,人们象干果核一样在走廊里发出哗啷哗啷的声音。Inside that massive frame the human being rattled in the corridors like a dry kernel.

我们会变成乏味,冷漠的空壳吗,或者我们要躲避它,住在一座山上?Do we turn into lifeless, emotionless shells, or do we retreat and live in a mountain?

屋舍和店铺都只剩下空壳,街上是成堆的瓦砾。Houses and stores have been reduced to empty shells. Piles of rubble line the streets.

工程师出了实验室还是一条好汉,但没了工程师的实验室只能算是一具空壳。You can take the engineers out of the lab, but you can't take the lab out of the engineers.

S是一个“无资产的假空壳子”,戴维斯先生说。Lawrence Livermore National Security is “a business fiction with no real assets,” Mr. Davis said.

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三十烷醇对降低杂交稻空壳粒也有效果,对千粒重无明显影响。Triacontanol causes promotional effects on the decrease in number of empty grains in hybrid rice.

你会发现背投惊人的轻,因为它基本就是个空壳。You’ll find that RPTVs are surprisingly lightweight, because they are almost entirely empty space.

平均来说,潜在的空壳公司在上市后6年多就会变成一个空壳。On the average, the potential shell companies in the market will be changed into a shell after 6 years.

计算中仔细考虑了源盒、真空壳、死层及P型芯等的影响。Effects of source box, vacuum shell, dead layer and P-type wick in the calculation are considered in detail.

北京方面还对银行去年向地方政府控制的空壳公司的放贷激增感到担忧。Beijing is also concerned about last year's surge in lending to shell companies controlled by local governments.

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但是空而虚的东西只有空壳而已,好似是水面的浮萍,没有更大的生命力。But spatial and empty thing only then skull, seems is the water surface duckweed, does not have a stronger vitality.

挣到了能买一个空壳的叫合俊公司后,他用这个公司在1997年在大陆买了一个小工厂。Having saved enough to buy a shell company called Smart Union, he used it to acquire a tiny mainland factory in 1997.

他说“所有主要的人几乎都走了,”还说“总部已经没有公司存在,只剩一个空壳。”He says that “almost all the key people left” and adds that “there is no company left” at the headquarters, just a shell.