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你知道他们的姓名?Do you know by name?

他必须招出同谋的姓名。And he must name names.

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您的姓名和电话号码呢?And your name and number?

我的姓名是洁西卡?杨。My title is Jessica Yang.

您贵姓?请问客人姓名?The guest's name, please?

请你替我按着姓名问众位朋友安。Greet the friends by name.

请说出你的姓名和地址。State your name and address.

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您为什么要改变姓名?Why do you change your name?

他的姓名是博克曼?伍德。And his name is Beckman Wood.

他终于记起了她的姓名。Her name finally came to him.

我的姓名是菲利浦·亚莫尔。My name is Phillip D. Armour.

保留默认的持卡者姓名Keep default cardholder's name

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对方的姓名是王大卫。My party's name is David Wang.

请问受话人姓名?Who would you like to talk to?

你的姓名字首代表什么?。What do your initials stand for?

请你拼出你的姓名好吗?Could you spell your name,please?

请问你的姓名如何拼出?How do you spell you name,please?

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姓名是杰克伦敦,254房间。The name is Jack London. Room254.

如果答题卡姓名没有填写完整怎么办?What if I did not complete my name?

你敢进来报出你的真实姓名吗?Do you dare to state your true name?