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父亲问我愿不愿意尝试着生火,我很高兴地承担了这项任务。I was glad to take the job.

但我们到六月还要生火。But we have a fire until June.

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当你生火时一定要小心。Be careful when you start a fire.

我们收集枯枝生火。Gathering sticks, we made a fire.

他所在的部队基地位于布琼布拉,他在基地里生火做饭。He cooks his meal at an army base in Bujumbura.

他们中的一个人是用一个电热炉生火。One of them is to use an electric fire starter.

那么是您叫巴斯克不要生火的?Was it you who told Basque not to make a fire then?

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生火的木料最好是用果木。Wood from fruit trees makes good fuel for your fire.

快生火,拿出银器,叫醒瓷碟。Stoke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china.

做饭也要先在炉子里生火。To make meals, they made a fire inside an iron stove.

马苏里拉芝士,蕃茄,现切帕尔马生火腿,罗勒叶,橄榄油。Mozarella cheese, tomato, parma in out basil, olive oil.

冬天,老师们给我们生火,教室里暖暖的。Winter, the teachers gave us the fire, the warm classroom.

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燃料的尺寸也影响产生火的难易度。The fuel's size also affects how easily it will catch fire.

下雪了我们就抱些树叶生火取暖,火苗旺旺的。Snow leaves, we will hold some fire heat, flames Wang Wang's.

在母亲的手中捧著一块用来生火的煤。In her hands the mother cradles a coal —the makings of a fire.

“我摘到大的,”布赖恩也快活地说“爸爸,快点生火,我想做一些,快啊!”"I picked the big ones!" said Brian. "Boy, I want to cook one!

这位老人保存了大量生火木柴天冷时用。The old man keeps a large reserve of firewood for cold weather.

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罗礼士可以摩擦两块冰块生火。Chuck Norris can light a fire by rubbing two ice-cubes together.

当安息日,不可在你们一切的住处生火。Do not light a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day.

格林厄姆生火和做牛排都很拿手。Graham was in his element, building a fire and cooking the steaks.