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你脑子有差池!You get out of your mind.

现在,这还是有差别的,我为什么要这么做呢?So you can access the values of the specific instance.

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我觉得主动和被动做事的效果是有差很多。I think the effect of active and passive things are much worse.

礼的起源即是人类社会“贵贱有等,长幼有差”的行为规范的起源。The origin of rite is the origin of behavioral norm in human society.

大多数电脑厂商都有回收计划,但各家的计划有好有差。Most computer manufacturers have recycling programs. Some are better than others.

恢复本我是为我自己作见证的,还有差我来的父,也为我作见证。I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

理论的新颖性源自它承认公司是有差别的,而且只有最好的公司出口。The source of its novelty is its recognition that firms differ, and only the best firms export.

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我学到了很多关于我自己的不同情况,有好有差,发生在这里。I've learned a lot about myself from various situations, both good and bad that have occurred here.

游客之个人背景,分别对空间体验重视程度有差异性。Tourists' personal background has relativities of the form of spatial experience and place attachment.

元代壁画之间既有相同性,又有差异性。These features provided evidence that could judge the difference between Yuan Dynasty wall-painting and others.

欧洲梦与美国梦是有差别的,但同样看重和平与繁荣的未来。European dreams are different from American ones, but just as important to hopes of a peaceful and prosperous future.

一阵风包含着因频率不同而速度及方向有差的气流。A single breath of wind contains small eddies and currents that vary in speed and direction with differentfrequencies.

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名校里也有差生,没有名气的学校里照样可以走出不少好学生。There are inferior students in the famous universities, the colleges which do not famous also have a few excellent students.

人口学变量对重庆市区级政府胜任特征模型各维度的评价有差异性。The variables of demology have differences between dimensions in the competency model of Chongqing district-level government.

结果发现,在英语学习策略的运用上,文理科学生有相同性也有差异性。As a result, there are similarities and differences in English learning strategies used by art major or science major students.

如果你有一辆前后都有差速器的四轮驱动车或越野车,你可能被卡住。If you have a four-wheel drive truck, or an SUV, with an open differential on both the front and the back, you could get stuck.

自信和自负是有差别的,只是一字之差就是天壤之别。我特别希望我能够自信而不自负。——郭凡生。Confidence and arrogance is little different, but there are worlds apart. In particular, I hope I can instead of self-sufficiency.

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就这样妇女为生活的各个方面疲于奔命,只要在工作或家庭生活中稍有差池就会遭受训斥。Women are expected to juggle all aspects of their lives and are blamed as individuals for any failing in their work or family life.

我们拥有这种律动,而且就像泉水一样流淌出来,但在西方国家我们不喜欢,没有差别的,杂乱无章的素材So we have this pulse, and it's just kind of out there streaming, but we don't like undifferentiated, disorganized material in the West.

汉日两语言虽同属于汉字文化圈,却既有共通性,又有差异性。Although these two languages belong to the Chinese character culture circle, both languages share the common features and the differences.