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麦芽,不论是否焙制。Malt, whether or not roasted.

那是蟒蛇牌麦芽酒吗?Is that Anaconda Malt Liquor ?

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请给我来点淡麦芽酒。Just a light ale for me please.

我们将从麦芽讲起。We'll start with malted barley.

淡黄色,有麦芽香味,无霉烂。Flaxen, malt fragrance, no mildew.

来自英格兰的多是麦芽啤酒。You'll get more ales from England.

一个女仆给我们端来麦芽酒。A serving wench brought us our ale.

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但是窖藏啤酒不同于麦芽啤酒。but a lager is different to an ale.

下行。兽皮和蜂蜜,麦芽酒和牛油。Down. Hides and honey, ale and tallow.

产生的麦芽糊会被过滤掉并制成麦芽汁。Resulted mash is filtered and turned into wort.

所以你看到很多老人喝麦芽啤酒,So you'll see a lot of old people drinking ales,

麦芽啤酒和窖藏啤酒的区别是什么?What is the difference between an ale and a lager?

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我从餐具柜里取出一瓶自己收藏的最好的麦芽威士忌。I got a bottle of my best malt out of the sideboard.

威士忌酒是用蒸馏法从发酵的麦芽浆中提取的。Whiskey is distilled from a fermented mash of grain.

并制备了不同DE值的麦芽糊精。And maltodextrin of different DE values was prepared.

每罐麦芽啤酒或者贮藏啤酒含有大约150卡路里的热量。Each can of ale or lager contains about 150 calories.

佩里告诉我,科尔先生从来不沾麦芽酒。Perry tells me that Mr. Cole never touches malt liquor.

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诱人的深棕琥珀色泽,带着一股浓烈的麦芽芳香。It has a deep brown colour and a strong malty sweetness.

上述化合物均能抑制小麦芽鞘的生长。These compounds inhibited the growth of wheat coleoptile.

“用单一的麦芽来代替甜酒,”他鼓励说。“Take a single malt instead of a dessert wine, ” he urges.