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为解决这一问题,担保公司异军突起。To solve this problem, guarantee companies rise.

中国民办高校能“异军突起”吗?。Can China's Civilian-run Colleges Be a Dark Horse?

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不过,仍有一些分析师异军突起,成绩优于市场平均水准.And there are some analysts who have beaten the market.

民间养老服务机构的异军突起为我们提供了新的思路。The boom about the folk institution of age service gives us new idea.

现在,在酷热的天气里,冰淇淋在吸引游客方面异军突起,榜上有名。Now, icecreams are the new attractions on the list during the sizzling weather.

近年来,中低档产品在韩国市场异军突起。In recent years, the sudden emergence of affordable products in the Korean market.

总部位于洛杉矶的OvGuide.com公司异军突起,他们利用人工识别最棒的视频。a Los Angeles-based start up, says it uses people to identify only the best video.

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中国文学发展到晚明时期,小说创作异军突起。Development of Chinese literature to the late Ming novels have sprung up everywhere.

与此同时,我们希望能将这些在日本异军突起的创新项目带向全球。In the meantime, we hope to introduce such innovation emerging in Japan internationally.

这个时候就需要新动能异军突起,来适应产业革命的趋势。Hence, we need the boom of new growth drivers to accommodate the need of industrial revolution.

在北京各种地方风味餐馆中,湘菜馆也可谓异军突起。Among lots of regionally flavor restaurants in Beijing, the Xiangcai restaurant also expand rapidly.

在2009-2010赛季,他异军突起进入了桑德兰一线队,并在英超联赛数度首发。In the 2009–10 season, he broke into the Sunderland first team and made several Premier League appearances.

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而中间派领导人贝鲁的异军突起也是总统大选呈现三足鼎立之势。The rise of the centrist François Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race.

高等工程教育作为我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分,正在异军突起。Advanced engineering education, as an important component of higher education in China, is developing rapidly.

中国和印度的企业在此次榜单中异军突起,共有8家中国大陆企业入选百强。The list has seen China and India emerge as powerhouses, with 8 companies based on the Chinese mainland listed.

出口的异军突起使德国比其他工业化国家更迅速地摆脱了大衰退的困扰。That surge has carried Germany out of the Great Recession more quickly than most major industrialized countries.

腾讯在在线支付和电子商务领域也想异军突起,但在这一方面他做的似乎并不成功。Tencent has also made forays in online payments and ecommerce, but it has had the least success in that category.

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中国网游异军突起的秘诀是,激烈的国内竞争和政府适当的保护。Chinese net You Yijun's protuberant recipe is, intense home competes and the government is protected appropriately.

第二章欧洲极右翼政党异军突起的主要表现和影响。In chapter two, the evidences and the influences of the European ultra-rightist parties' sudden rise are mentioned.

随着我国改革开放进程的加速,农村流动劳动力异军突起。Along with the accelerated process of reform and opening to the world, the rural floating labor force suddenly rises.