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他爱吹牛。He likes to brag.

大牛,快别吹牛了!Daniel, don't talk big!

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我的朋友是个吹牛大王。My friend is a fast talker.

吹牛与说谎话本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousin.

他是个吹牛大王,经常吹牛。He is nothing but a big bluffer.

爱吹牛的人和骗子都是一丘之貉。A boaster and a liar are all one.

吹牛和说谎本是同宗。A boaster and a liar are cousins.

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他是所有小贩中最会吹牛的。He is the braggest of all pedlars.

一个骗子,一个吹牛者,还是一个贼。A fraudster a charlatan and a thief.

他一定是吹牛吹得太过了。He certainly bragged about it a lot.

因为没有批判和吹牛的必要。There is no need to criticize or brag.

吹牛和说谎本是同宗!A boaster and a liar are cousins-german!

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额,最好的吹牛大王也算是个最好的。Er, a best braggadocio is also a 'best'.

他吹牛说他的汽车是最快的。He bragged that his car was the fastest.

我呀没工夫听你吹牛。I have no time listening to you bragging.

他们有空时常常在一起吹牛。They often talk horse when they are free.

“这是懦夫式的吹牛,”麦青回答说。It was a coward blow, " returned Matcham."

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信不信由你了,他是个吹牛大王。Believe it or not, but he is a fast talker.

好啦,别吹牛,别争辩,快去吧!Now, stop swaggering and arguing, and be off!

台上的那位参议员是个吹牛大王。The senator on the stage is a hot-air artist.