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我有没有顾此失彼,忽略了对人的承诺,忘了做一些应做的事?。Did I ignore my commitments? Did I forget anything I should do?

但这两种选择难免会出现顾此失彼的权利失衡。However, the two options will likely be in imbalance condition.

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顾此失彼,人的精力都是有限的,工作也是为了更好的生活!Loss, a person's energy is limited, the work also for a better life!

吕希在家又要工作又要照顾悦悦和爷爷,顾此失彼,焦头烂额。Luchy to work and at home to take care of yue yue and grandpa, attend to.

很多既有孩子也有工作的妇女面临顾此失彼的困境。Many women with children and jobs face the conundrum of neglecting one or the other.

在山区城市经济发展的过程中,人们不断陷入多元要素的矛盾和顾此失彼的尴尬。In the growth of economic development, people constantly fall into the dilemma of trade-off.

优秀的程序员动脑筋以防顾此失彼,而优秀的指南让我们不必面面俱到。Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to think out every case.

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如今的洛佩兹一边忙着挣大钱一边忙着要夺得奖项,这却让她顾此失彼。Now Lopez is so busy trying to make money and win awards that she's forgotten how to do either.

但美国人也毫无让步之意,鸠山政府必定要顾此失彼,进退维谷。But with America sticking to its guns, the Hatoyama administration is bound to upset one side or other.

但人的精力毕竟是有限的,目标太多,脚踏几只船,容易使自己顾此失彼。But the human energy is limited after all, goal too much, pedal several boats, easy to make oneself attend.

这将允许在一个窗口内管理大量的代码,不会顾此失彼。This allows you to manage larger amounts of code within one window without losing the trees for the forest.

何应钦的错误是顾此失彼、调兵无序,让湘西重镇龙潭司几近空城。He Yingqin is wrong, let Xiangxi disorder care for this and lose that troop movements, our city Longtan almost empty.

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有些极力寻求救援未果的灾民抱怨政府的救灾行动顾此失彼。Some victims struggling to get aid in rescuing loved ones have complained that the government's response is inadequate.

但是,在实际的决策过程中,校长却往望顾此失彼,到底该怎样让教职员工参与决策?Many schools have found relevant department and made relevant institutions for staff participation in school decision making.

基于单一特征的图像检索往往顾此失彼,无法综合各特征的优势。Single feature-based image retrieval often catches one and loses another, so it can't integrate the advantages of each feature.

我由衷的希望在经济日益繁荣的岁月里厦门不至顾此失彼,失去那美丽的景色和令人轻松、悠然自得的生活方式。I hope that in the years to come Xiamen does not lose its beauty and relaxed life style in the quest for greater economic prosperity.

为使存有夹层缺陷的复合板经修复得到有价值的使用,又不因修复费用过高而顾此失彼。The manual arc welding process has been chosen to repair the intercalated bed defects of caddying steel sheets in order to reduce cost.

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“但是,您当然用不着夸大您的不幸,”基督山说,“但也不必为了竭力避免以至顾此失彼。"Nevertheless, you must not exaggerate the evil, " said Monte Cristo, "for by endeavoring to avoid one fault you will fall into another.

无功、负序是伴随牵引负荷同时出现的,仅补偿其一会顾此失彼,因此,必须研究无功、负序的综合补偿。It is insignificant to compensate one of them, so, we have to study the comprehensive compensation for reactive power and negative sequence.

论文主要从承租人角度分析企业租赁政策选择的科学性与合理性,避免多角度考虑不周反而顾此失彼。The thesis' argue is major in the lessee leasing policy to avoid ill-considered, one more point, and ensure the options be scientific and rational.