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大回环是一个很酷的机动动作。The power loop is a cool maneuver.

机动策略是TCAS的关键技术。Maneuvering strategy is a key to TCAS.

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回避!那个机动动作真是疯了!Evaded ! That's some crazy maneuvering!

分段船舶和非机动船舶。Segmented vessels and non-motor vessels.

在演习中的机动SATCOM指挥站。The mobile SATCOM command post in exercise.

接下来的机动动作是水平360度转向。The next maneuver is a level 360-degree turn.

你可以根据情况机动灵活地处置。You can deal with it flexibly as you see fit.

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总之,陆克文的政策机动空间是有限的。Overall, Rudd's room for policy maneuver is limited.

绝望的决斗!机动要塞超强音!The Duel of Despair! Fortissimo the Moving Fortress!

里程表是机动的,由步进电机带动。The odometer is mechanical, driven by a stepper motor.

这个机动动作在一开始时,过载表上指示接近8.5个G。Initially, this maneuver is roughly 8.5 on the g-meter.

考虑了弹道式再入和机动再入两种情况。Both ballistic and maneuvering re-entries are considered.

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南方日报经济新闻中心编辑&机动记者。A journalist in the Business News Center of Nanfang Daily.

这一方法主要应用于自主式机动飞行器。This method is mainly used for autonomous mobile vehicles.

可选择固定或机动利率计息。May opt for application of fixed or floating interest rate.

三是应采取机动灵活的形式,确保药材补给通道的通畅。Take flexible form to smooth the channel of medical supply.

柱塞泵是单作用,通常是机动车辆。Plunger pumps are single-acting and usually are motor-driven.

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目前,载人机动装置已被更安全的背包式推进器所取代。The MMU was replaced with the SAFER backpack propulsion unit.

这一方法主要应用于自主式机动飞行器。This method is mainly applied for autonomous mobile vehicles.

自行车和机动脚踏车有哪些权利和义务?What rights and duties do riders of bicycles and mopeds have?