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但愿纯洁的灵魂在天国找到安身之地!May pure souls have their home in heaven!

可怜的燕子只有在悲鸣中到处寻觅安身之地。Swallow poor lament only to find shelter in place everywhere.

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几乎我们用上了所有瑜伽的动作,才得在这有一处安身之地。Almost all of us use the yoga movements, there is a safe place.

一位客户按时递送来的支票帮助他的事务所重新找了一个安身之地,并支付了新办公地的租金。One client's timely check allowed his firm to relocate and pay the new rent.

如今,讽刺的是,这位残疾的前律师发现她自身已没有安身之地。And now, ironically, the disabled former lawyer finds herself without a home.

无论是哪股大潮,都没有以儒家文明为主干的传统文化安身之地。Regardless of which unit the tide, are not civilized in Confucian culture as the backbone to home.

我们决不允许基地组织及其极端主义盟友们在这里及其周边地区有安身之地。In this region, and beyond, we will tolerate no safe haven for al-Qaida and their extremist allies.

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当温哥华再次遭遇风暴时,两名路人在已被连根拔起的大树下找到暂时的安身之地。Visitors take cover beneath an uprooted tree in Vancouver as the city braces itself for another storm.

一些人是想在美国购置安身之地,而也有一些人仅仅是想在那儿作投资。"Some of these businessmen already have links to America and want to get property. Others are simply looking for a good investment," Luo said.

有能耐的小阔鼻暮蝠遍布澳大利亚北部的多数地区,甚至可以在电话线杆的金属帽内找到安身之地。The versatile Little Broad-nosed bat, which is found throughout most of northern Australia, can even be found under the metal caps of telephone poles.

那些火车沉睡在黑黝黝的轨道上,人们也静静地独自离开,仿佛受到惊吓似的,走向一排一排的长途车,试图找到一个安身之地。The trains are sleeping in silence on the black rails, and the people go along in silence, too, as if frightened, trying to find a place to be comfortable among the rows of coaches.

目前中国的保障房,更多的是考虑让低收入的困难群体有一个安身之地,在对人性化设计和人文关怀方面普遍欠缺。At present, China's security room, more is to consider the difficulties of low-income groups have a place of refuge, in the human aspects of design and general lack of humanistic care.