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这是一张课桌。This is a desk.

课桌是我的舢板。The desk is my sampan.

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那灯在我课桌的正上方。The light is over my desk.

露西的书在她的课桌上。Lucy's books are on her desk.

我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。I found a winglet in the desk.

每个孩子都在课桌底下。Eery child was under their desk.

那边的那张课桌是李蕾的。The desk over there is Li Lei's.

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看!课桌上是什么,小猴!Look! What's on the desk, Monkey?

这张课桌是王师傅做的。The desk was made by Master Wang.

请把课桌摆成4排。Please put the desks in four rows.

这些课桌是那些老工人做的。The desks were made by those old workers.

请把被红墨水弄脏的课桌擦干净。听说今晚。Clean the desk spotted with red ink- please.

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在一些贫困地区,石头被用来当做学习的课桌。The stone are uesd as desk in some poor areas.

他们的论文在课桌上乱成一堆。Their papers were mixed up in a heap on the desk.

里面有只由七张课桌和七把椅子。There are only seven desks and seven chairs in it.

课桌是用木头做的。桥是石头造的。The desk is made of wood. This bridge is made of stone.

在课桌旁坐好后,他开始看杂志。Seating himself at the desk, he began to read a magazine.

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有一个讲台和许多课桌在教室里。Thereis a teacher's desk and many desks in the classroom.

建学校,摆几张课桌也不能够使民众得到教育。Schools with desks are not going to educate our population.

阳光洒满了课桌,我却在叙写我的悲伤。The sun speckled the desk, I was in Narrations of my sadness.