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什么是预防?What is prevention?

如何预防脚癣?How Can I Prevent It?

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咖啡可以预防龋齿。Coffee can fight cavities.

预防心管疾病。Prevents coronary disease.

生活水水路无需安全阀,预防漏水。No safety valve in D. H. W.

我应该怎样预防白内障?How can I prevent cataracts?

如何预防红眼病?How can you prevent pinkeye?

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怎样可以预防自杀?How can suicide be prevented?

棒棒糖能预防蛀牙。Lollipops can prevent cavities.

除了预防,糖尿病也能逆转。And we can go beyond prevention.

如何预防疱疹病毒的传播How To Avoid Spreading the Virus

如何疥螨预防?。How is sarcoptic mange prevented?

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怎样预防精索静脉曲张的发病?How prevent a varicocele come on?

预防问题的重复发生。Prevents the problem re-occuring.

做些预防治疗。Do some preventive self-treatment.

预防壁蝨与跳蚤的产品。Flea and tick prevention products.

所以中国这是在进行预防控制。This is China'spre-damage control.

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这就是所谓的药物预防法。This is known as drug prophylaxis.

霍乱是可以预防和治愈的。Cholera can be prevented and cured.

预防和控制糖尿病。Prevention and control of diabetes.