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但从地质年代上来说,它还是一个婴儿。That's a baby in geological terms.

而澳洲地质院则是标在了7。5级。Geoscience Australia put it at 7.5.

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这也就预示会有更多地质活动发生。That forebodes more seismic activity.

史密森学会及美国地质调查局。Smithsonian and U.S. Geological Survey.

冰岛位于地质极端活跃的地方。Iceland is on a geologically active location.

地震是一种灾害性的地质事件。Earthquake is a disaster event in Earth crust.

平衡剖面是一个基本的地质规律。Balanced cross-section is a base rule in geology.

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地质矿产资源是经济和社会可持续发展的保障。Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of P. R.

变异函数是地质统计学的核心部分。The variant function is the core of geostatistics.

该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。We got success at a tr ial of some geological item.

英国地质调查局目前参与了14个国家的项目。BGS is currently involved in projects in 14 nations.

我们最好的测量地震风险的办法是地质记录。The best gauge of quake risk is the geologic record.

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矿区水文地质条件简单。The hydrogeology condition of mining area is simple.

中日撞船事件前六个月,美国地质勘测组发布了一则报告。Six months before the China-Japan incident, the U. S.

十八罗汉,是秀山地质奇观之一。Eighteen Arhats, is one of Xiushan geological wonders.

喀斯特景观会因地质和气候不同而异。Karst landscapes differ because of geology and climate.

重锤试验是一种获得含水层水文地质参数的新方法。Slug test is a new method to obtain aquifer parameters.

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没有任何可靠的方法来断定大部分冰川期的地质年代。There is no reliable way of dating much of the Ice Age.

岩芯出筒时,必须有地质人员在场。The geologist must be present while taking out the core.

地质作用力每年会将它推高几毫米。Geological forces push it up a few millimeters each year.