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寰球重量级冠军赛总是头版头条新闻。A world heavy weight championship match is front news.

中国参加世贸含有寰球性的意思。China's entry into the WTO carries global implications.

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对你重要的冀望通常是寰球局势的成果。Major expectations of you are often the result of world conditions.

寰球其余地域的其余国度将以其本人的方法受到影响。Other countries in other parts of the globe will be affected in their own ways.

今天,我们的世界面临着气候变化这一重大寰球环境挑战。Today our world faces the major global environmental challenge of a changing climate.

其部分起因来自于寰球化带来的影响,部分起因是因为产地的变更。This is due partly to globalization and partly to changes in the location of production.

大豆则某些地方增产,某些处所减产,没有真正雷同的寰球规模的影响。For soya, some places saw improvements, some saw damage, with no real net effect on the global scale.

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三年之后,消费暴跌,感激寰球核桃仁缺乏和创纪录的山核桃丰产。Consumption skyrocketed three years later, thanks to a global walnut shortage and a record pecan harvest.

社会物流是对于微观经济运动,如国内商业和寰球投资。The external logistics is about the macro economic activities, like international trade and global investment.

我希看你们可能帮助扩大这个寰球社会,把你们在这里开展的对话转化为长久的协同配合。And I hope you will help expand this community and turn the conversations you've had here into collaborations that endure.

所有员工都有机会与寰球客户严密工作在一起,这将为他们的职业生活带来长期的回报。All employees having the chance to work closely with our customer in the world will be the most rewarding part of their career.

他们对来自寰球或处所景象信息体系的参数值或图像的知觉会与事实不同。Their perception of parameter values or images from global or local meteorological information systems would differ from reality.

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兰精集团是纤维素纤维产品的寰球领导者,我们在纤维产业里是最成功的公司之一。The Lenzing Group leads the world market in cellulose fibers and we are one of the most successful companies in the fiber industry.

飞机旅行,你只可俯视寰球――假如机翼碰巧挡住了你的视线,就看得更少了。Air travel gives you a bird's-eye vInternet Explorerw of the world – or even if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way.

2008年,寰球最年夜的金融信息数据和剖析产物供给商汤森路透集团发布,以现金注资和讯公司。Thomson Reuters, the world's leading financial data and analysis provider, announced in 2008 that it acquired part of Hexun in cash.

云计算——实质为数字化服务业——是首个真正实现寰球效应的范畴,全世界各个角落都可得到这样的服务。Computing clouds—essentially digital-service factories—are the first truly global utility, accessible from all corners of the planet.

到目前为止,咱们已经制订出打算,在本次峰会的基本上持续尽力,在将来的岁月里支撑寰球的企业家。So far, we have developed initiatives that will build on the work of this summit and support entrepreneurs worldwide in the months and years ahead.

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从1924年开端,来自寰球各地的游客们川流不息地来到莫斯科有名的红场瞻仰前革命首领列宁的遗体。Since 1924 visitors from around the globe have flocked to Moscow's famous Red Square to view the body of former revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin.

咱们将合力激发一个创业精力的新时代──通过本周在华盛顿举办的各项活动,以及将来在寰球各地举办的各种区域会议。Together, we've sparked a new era of entrepreneurship -- with events all over Washington this week, and upcoming regional conferences around the world.

寰球股市昨天全线大跌,原因在于投资者对经济前景和金融市场动荡的担心敏捷演化为全面的恐慌性抛售行动。Global equities were routed yesterday as concerns over the economic outlook and financial market turbulence snowballed into a broad fear-driven sell-off.