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您在地球的衣襟上。You are on the coving of the earth.

摆弄著衣襟,你好像在笑。Toying with a skirt, you seem to laugh.

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那膏油接著流到亚伦的衣襟。The oil, then, runs down Aaron's garment.

看疏雨,凌乱着发鬓,湿了衣襟。Look at the rain, messy hair, wet clothes.

春风掀动了她的衣襟。The spring breeze lifted the edge of her blouse.

我割下你的衣襟,没有杀你。I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you.

我父啊,看看你外袍的衣襟在我手中。See, my father, see the corner of your robe in my hand.

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把裤脚裹进袜子或靴子里,把衣襟拢到裤子里。Tuck pant legs into socks or boots and shirt into pants.

我父阿,看看你外袍的衣襟在我手中。See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand!

大卫就起来,悄悄地割下扫罗外袍的衣襟。Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul's robe.

人不可娶继母为妻。不可掀开他父亲的衣襟。A man shall not take his father's wife, nor discover his father's skirt.

悄悄停在你的衣襟上,感受着你的温暖,永不离开。Stops quietly on yours front piece, is feeling your warmth, never leaves.

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警察抓到了拉住马弗尔衣襟的那只看不见的手。The policeman gripped the wrist of the invisible hand that collared Marvel.

求你用你的衣襟遮盖我,因为你是我一个至近的亲属。Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a kinsman-redeemer.

撒母耳转身要走,扫罗就扯住他外袍的衣襟,衣襟就撕断了。As Samuel turned to leave, Saul caught hold of the hem of his robe, and it tore.

系用围兜后可避免短发进入衣襟内,并减少疾病交叉传染。The apron can prevent stubble entering clothes and reduce disease cross infection.

小伙子的衣襟上留下了两个肮脏的小手印,他狼狈不堪地逃走了。The boy came to leave two a dirty little handprints, he be thrown into a panic to escape.

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所以我只好张开我的双手,让衣襟飘起,洋洋洒洒地向前看去。So I had to open up my hand, let the skirt from the copious and fluent, to look forward to.

我经过的时候总是看到他们在雨中劳作,雨点打湿我的衣襟,他们远远的向我挥手致意。They were always out working in the rain, and as I rode by, sodden myself, they always waved.

可不一会,她那涎水就湿了胸前的大片衣襟,谭香不由得皱了眉头。But after a while, her saliva on the wet front large skirt, Tan Xiang could not help but frowned.