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但猫眼石,却可能兼而有之。Opals, though, might be both.

但猫眼石,却可能兼而有之。Opals , though, might be both.

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肥胖和健康可以兼而有之吗Can you be both obese and healthy?

大多数交互性网站实际兼而有之。Most interactional sites are actually hybrids.

嗨,生活有时糟糕透顶,有时百无聊赖——又或许兼而有之。Hey, life is sometimes just hellish or boring—or both.

WEP密钥可以是数字,字母,或两者兼而有之。WEP keys can be numeric , alphabetic, or a combination of both.

次高山、丘陵、河谷冲积平原兼而有之。Meeting the high mountains, hills , valleys both alluvial plain.

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上帝说过,你要么享有权力,要么享有乐趣。两者不能兼而有之。God said, you either have the power, or have fun. Both can not be both.

但是,我的经历并非这么非黑即白,是兼而有之吧。However, my experience was not this black and white. I had a bit of each.

虎恶猿狡的性格,法国人兼而有之。此处借用。There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman.

他要么是伊朗最勇敢的学生,要么是这片伊斯兰地域中不知世事的小丑,或者两者兼而有之。He may be the bravest student in Iran or an unwitting stooge of the Islamic regime – or both.

据说,公众的情绪表明"恐惧、抑郁、绝望、极度的愤怒兼而有之"。The public mood is said to be "a mixture of fear, depression, hopelessness, and seething anger."

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冠状动脉病人或高血压病人或两者兼而有之的病人可能发生逆分裂。Paradoxical splitting may occur in patients with coronary artery disease or hypertension or both.

这些矛盾意味着,我们要么是缺乏理性,要么是在对调查者撒谎,或者两者兼而有之。These inconsistencies mean that we're either irrational or lying to pollsters , and perhaps both.

你必须有一份能让你实现这种生活的工作,有足够的时间来开展工作,或两者兼而有之。You must have a job that allows you to do this, have plenty of time to carry out your work, or both.

请注意在逻辑上而言,没有东西阻止两者兼而有之。Notice by the by that logically speaking, there is nothing that stops the very same thing from being both.

是否我们每个人都有注定的命运,或者都只是在随风飘舞,也许两者兼而有之。If we each have a destiny or if we're all have floating around accident-like on the breeze. Maybe it's both.

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参见上面的提示1和提示2,你要么是面临着很高的染上性病的风险,要么是面临着很高的被敲诈的风险,要么就是两者兼而有之。See Hint 1 and 2 above –either you’re putting yourself at high risk for STDs, or for blackmail, or for both.

市场的心态表现出投机与赌博兼而有之的两重性。The psychology of the market is one that includes both the psychology of investing and the psychology of gambling.

张资平为自己恋爱小说中的主人公几乎全部设置了悲惨的命运与结局,他们要么身患疾病,要么走向死亡,要么是两者兼而有之。Zhang Ziping set a tragic end for almost all the characters in his love novels, either badly sick, or dead, or both.