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我必须再次习惯夜场比赛。I had to get used to playing at night again.

公主观看了那歌剧首次演出的夜场。The princess attended the opening night of the opera.

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白天场的电影价格往往比夜场的要低得多。Prices are usually lower in the daytime than at night.

我们去看日场还是夜场?Are we going to the matinee or the evening performance?

没有可能买到星期六夜场的票了。There's no chance of a ticket for Saturday's evening show.

它一下子点燃了我,我走进狭小的演出夜场并获得成功,我简直为它着迷“她如此说道。That lit me up. I went to a hole-in-the-wall open mic night and killed.

而且这是美网的夜场,我知道这会是气氛非常热烈的比赛。This is a night session at the US Open, I knew it could be a great one.

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此优惠只适用于日场及夜场之正价戏票。This offer is applicable to the regular price of matinee and night shows.

此外,为避免白天交通高峰,还设计了夜场票。In order to avoid traffic congestion, evening time tickets will also be provided.

我们必须为了夜场等一整天,这更是让人神经紧绷。And waiting also all day for the night session, that is nerve-wracking on top of it.

在许多酒吧都有同性恋夜场,许多大制作的宝莱坞电影也涉及同性恋题材。Many bars have gay nights, and some high-profile Bollywood films have had gay themes.

它一下子点燃了我,我走进狭小的演出夜场并获得成功,我简直为它着迷“她如此说道。"That lit me up. I went to a hole-in-the-wall open mic night and killed. I was hooked," she says.

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也许以后我的比赛都会在中心球场,也许还会被安排在夜场出战。Now people are going to come see my matches, maybe I`ll play all my matches on center court, maybe night sessions.

在私底下,他们就像水中鸳鸯,同桌吃饭,同床谁觉,一起看夜场电影,一起和孩子们度假。In private they functioned like a married couple, sharing a bed, meals, movie nights and vacations with the children.

面对着萧条的场面,夜场经营者们摇头叹气,本应是歌舞升平、欢声笑语的场所啊!Facing Depression scene, night market operators who shook his head sighing, this should be a merry, laughter place ah!

工作之余,泡夜场的快乐让人眩晕,你是否察觉危险正在慢慢靠近?Of the job, the joy of bubble evening show makes a person swimmy , whether are you aware danger is being stood by slowly?

值得一提的是,她们买的是夜场票,入园后选择我们馆作为第一个参观的世博场馆。It should be mentioned that they bought the evening tickets and they selected our pavilion as the first pavilion to visit.

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在进行游戏内容的设计时,凯乐迪就考虑到了如何尽可能的帮夜场老板们赚钱。During the design of game content, Kailedi to take into account how the night games as much as possible to help owners make money.

东莞消费者对进口葡萄酒认知程度较高,葡萄酒消费主要集中在商务宴请,馈赠和夜场。The dongguan consumers of imported wine cognitive degree is higher, wine consumption mainly focus on business banquets, gifts and at night.

拼酒轮盘、350等游戏必然有被罚酒的玩家,于是,不用人员推销,夜场的酒水销量已经大增。Pinjiu roulette, 350 other games must have been Monastic players, so no personal selling, sales of drinks the night market has greatly increased.