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她难以感到置信地看着你。She looks at you incredulously.

这是一个无法置信的说法。That's an incredible statement.

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祛斑的话我还是置信植物药妆的。Confidence if I freckle herbal makeup.

置信谎言的人必将在过失前消亡。He that trusts in alie shall perish in truth.

基于定位的潜力令人难于置信The Incredible Potential of Location-Based News

鱼也会说英语,真是令人不敢置信。Fish will speak English, I am really not believe it.

在市场上,本人置信它是一个具有吸收力的产物。Marketingwise, I believe it is an attractive product.

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它仍然令人不可置信,一流的山坡上耸立的乐趣。It is still inconceivably first-rate fun on spruced slopes.

我置信新包装定会使您的客户称心。Im sure the new packing will give your clients satisfaction.

罗珊珊以为安在勇不置信本人,伤心离去。LuoShanShan think Ann in yong not believe oneself, sad leave.

谁又能置信,比尔太太的背后是一个又一个罪恶的魔窟。Who can believe, bill of Mrs. Another is behind sinful snare.

你可以追求幸福,但是不能置信幸福。You can phase happyness, but you can not believe in happyness.

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当时罗尚未对探员的警告十分置信。Rochon didn't put much stock in the agent's warning at the time.

迪奥奔向希罗,他的眼睛充满了不可置信。Duo ran towards the boy, his eyes hardly believing what they saw.

玥听罢其阳寿未尽理论,不能置信。We insisted he listen to its unpredicted theory, can't believe it.

跟着时间的推移,置信还会有新的观念呈现。Along with horary of change, believe to also appear new standpoint.

这是一种用来产生置信区间的通用技术。It is the best general technique for producing confidence intervals.

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如果您认为耗时八小时的构建过程是难以令人置信的,那么再想想吧。If you think an eight-hour build process is unbelievable, think again.

世贤感觉这件事,只需被说出去,谁也不会置信本人。The feeling it, just hen, who also said to be out not believe oneself.

置信区间和P值针对群集设计进行调整。Confidence intervals and P-values were adjusted for the cluster design.