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它们都是真空的。They are all vacuumed.

电离真空计。Ionization Vacuum Gauge.

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它也可以拉成一个真空箱。It can also pull a vacuum.

真空开关阀。Vacuum switching " valve."

我创造了真空。I'm going to create a vacuum.

千万别买那种真空包装的!Do not buy vacuum-packed ones!

换句话说,这是真空。In other words, this is vacuum.

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没有建议是在真空里给出的。No advice is given in a vacuum.

独立投行之死留下了一片真空地带。They may leave behind a vacuum.

热传导真空计。Thermal Conductivity Vacuum Gauge.

我们处在真空地带。We've found ourselves in a vacuum.

真空中的介电常数是。This is the permittivity of vacuum.

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首先,它是一台真空吸尘器。First of all, it's a vacuum cleaner.

森罗万象终归坏,唯有真空才不灭。Only true emptiness will not perish.

真空吸尘器的吸力很弱。The vacuum cleaner has weak suction.

不要移动热交换器上的真空设备。Don't pull a vacuum on the exchanger.

这边是气体,这边是真空。And so we have gas and we have vacuum.

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从真空炉中抽出空气。The air is evacuated from the furnace.

这就是所谓的真空分馏。This is known as vacuum fractionation.

然后混合物进行真空蒸馏。The mixture is then distilled in vacua.