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时间是一个裁缝,擅长于量体裁衣。Time is a dressmaker, specializing in altreations.

定制木门就像是裁缝量体裁衣一样,周期长产量小。Customize individualized door like a tailor, long production period.

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依据个性化需求为不同的客户独立设计量体裁衣。Independently design and tailor for different customers based on individual needs.

思考提升你的旗舰品牌,但是要把它量体裁衣,变成中国消费者爱好的品味。Consider promoting your flagship brands but tailor them to Chinese consumers’ tastes.

西方市场日渐萧条,奢侈品公司正在为这个古老王国量体裁衣。With Western markets sagging, luxury firms are tailoring products to the Middle Kingdom.

做服装的人为顾客顾客量体裁衣,然后再缝制出来十分合身的衣服。The person who makes it measures the customer, and then sews it so that it fits perfectly.

对每一个岗位量体裁衣,写明你的成绩和成就。Tailor each letter to the open position, identifying your accomplishments and achievements.

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利用这些信息,他们能够“量体裁衣”,创作出针对特定个体的广告宣传。They can then use that knowledge to create ad campaigns customized to particular individuals.

但我认为更充分的信息有助于我们对政策进行量体裁衣,而这足以弥补复杂性的问题。But I think the benefit of richer information to be able to tailor policies makes up for that.

微软解释,R2服务器的功能特性主要是围绕着低端应用而量体裁衣的。The features coming with R2 are geared chiefly for tasks run by lower -end servers, Microsoft argues.

本发明量体裁衣,最大限度地使鞋垫适合使用需要。The invention copies the real model, and makes the shoe-pads meet the usage demands with maximum limit.

每个学校要根据自己的情况制定合适的招聘计划,要量体裁衣。Each school should establish appropriate recruitment plan according to their own situation, tailored to.

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智能油田的启用应当那个根据精确的需求特性和当前情形量体裁衣。An IOF implementation should be tailored based on the exact nature of the need and the status of the current state.

至于你的驾驶记录,年龄,婚否,和信誉程度的变化,为你“量体裁衣”的公司也随之改变。As your driving record, age, marital status and credit score change, your "fit" with different companies will also change.

我们专注、品质的人努力为您提供量体裁衣式的物流解决方案,定制您的特定需求。Our dedicated, quality people strive to provide you with tailor-made logistics solutions, customized to your particular needs.

阅兵保障队伍按照方队需求“量体裁衣、科学下单”。The logistics teams act according to circumstances and prepare form-fitting clothes at a scientific quantity for the parade soldiers.

另外的小策略就是找个可以为你量体裁衣的好裁缝,或是找个卖最合你心意的衣店。Another tactic is to find a designer whose clothes look good on you, or finding a store or boutique that sells clothes in styles that flatter you.

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我们是否正在走向乏味的数字世界,自由的网络浏览被手机应用程序订制所取代、迎合个人偏好量体裁衣?Are we heading for a less romantic digital world, in which open-ended surfing of the web is replaced by an ordered world phone "apps", tailored to individual preferences?

小户型二代就是以最小的户型面积为户型设计的基础,同时又具备积木式组合功能,空间可大可小,真正做到“量体裁衣”。Huxing second generation is a small area of the smallest Huxing Huxing design basis, while a building block portfolio function space significant issue and truly "measure".

传统的量体裁衣模式存在许多局限性,形不成规模效益,影响了服装定制向高层次和大规模方向发展。The traditional garment customization mode exists many limits, which can't form scale benefit and block the development of garment customization from high level and large scale.