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试想,假若它意志薄弱。If it were ever weak-minded.

假若可能的话,尽量早点启碇。Try to start early, if possible.

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假若是我早就改成伊莱恩了。I should have changed it to Elaine.

假若我从不疲困,我的心里If I were never weary, could I keep

假若有必要,我会去的。Should it be necessary, I would go.

假若有,是谁受权他们这样做?And if so, by whom is it so empowered?

假若时光倒流,我还能不能够。If the clock back, I can not be able to.

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假若我能看见,你将自己还给我。If only I can see, you turn yourself to me.

假若他未曾从朽腐的洞穴复活If from that moldering cell He had not risen

假若我能说万人的方言,并天使的话。If I speak in the tongues of men and of angles.

假若看见有人快淹死了你会怎么办?If you saw somebody drowning,what would you do?

假若没人给您最起码的关怀,我会一直惦念您的!!!If nobody take care of atu least I always miss u!

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假若你见到希莉娅的话,代我向她致以最好的祝福。If you should see Celia, give her my best wishes.

假若坚持努力下去,你迟早会成功的。Youll succeed in time if you keep on working hard.

假若便秘就应该多吃粗糙食物。If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.

假若念你变成习惯,假若爱你变成信仰。Read if you become a habit, if love you into faith.

假若我是你的话,我课后就多做练习。If I were you, I would do more practice after class.

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假若那城里有五十个义人,你还剿灭那地方吗?What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?

假若说有什么东西是我无法忍受的话,那就是不整洁。If there's one thing I can't do with, it's untidiness.

假若遇到危险,它会喷出墨汁出来,然后逃之夭夭。In case of danger, it will eject ink out, then decamp.