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我们必须草拟一份新的援助方案,然后再拨专款。We had to write a new aid formula, then fund it.

国会已拨下专款建那条公路。Congress has appropriated money for building the highway.

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我们一收到这项专款,就会马上付给你.We will give you the proceeds as soon as we collect the funds.

我们不需要使用公款或专款来保护新闻业。We don't need to protect journalism with public money or grants.

预言者恰当的为修理螺旋桨拨专款。The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller.

政府性基金收入按规定专款专用。Revenue from government-controlled funds was used exclusively for its intended purposes.

由于滥用专款的丑闻,总会计师被迫辞职。After the scandal over misappropriated funds the chief accountant was asked to step down.

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请您告诉我,我应当怎样做才能从纽约把专款转账到我这里呢?Would you please tell me shat I should do to have funds transferred to me here from New York?

公司提供相配套的科研设施及科研经费,科研经费专款专用。The company will provide necessary scientific research facilities and expenses for special use.

特别是河西水利专款公程的实施,直接推动了河西水利建设和粮食增长。The special fund of irrigation works pushed forward the water conservancy facilities and the food growth.

我去了切特在卡萨达花园一幢政府大楼里的办公室,问他有关所有那些国际足联专款的事。I went to Chet's offices in a government building in Cassada Gardens to ask him about all those FIFA grants.

森林生态效益补偿基金必须专款专用,不得挪作他用。The compensation fund for the benefit of the forest ecology shall be used for no other than the said purposes.

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社保基金被视为退休职工的“养命钱”必须专款专用,不可乱动。Social security fund is regarded as the "lifeline" of the retirees and should not be diverted for other purposes.

银行经营信讬及证券业务,应指拨营运资金专款经营。A Bank conducting a trust or securities business shall appropriate funds exclusively for such business operations.

一旦我们胜利地结束这场可怕的战争,政府会支付专款重建家园。As soon as we succeed in ending this dreadful war, the government will disburse funds to help rebuild this country.

瘟疫流行期间,清政府拨付专款,设局施药施棺进行直接救治。During the plagues, the government put in special fund to set up organizations that gave drugs and coffins for free.

某些难民投诉由于承包商仅将部分专款用于重建,很多房屋完全是豆腐渣工程。Some victims complained the houses were shoddy as the contractors had only used part of the funds meant for the job.

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城市已经创建了邻体改进工程,而县城拨出了专款用于商业区重投资。The city has createdneighborhood improvement projects, while the county has chipped in money toreinvest in downtown.

人们建议政府应该做出努力,为菜篮子工程拨出专款。It is suggested that the government should make efforts to set aside an appropriate fund for the vegetable basket program.

本馆是国内美术院校中少数几所享受国家划拔文科专款的图书馆之一。This library is one of the few among art institutions receiving a special funding for social sciences from the government.