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语音应答装置?。VAB? Voice Answer Back?

一个男人在另一端应答了电话。A man on the other end answers.

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为什么迟滞期在应答初期出现Why the lag phase at the beginning?

但杰米并不在工作台附近,所以无人应答。Jamey is not at her desk to answer it.

也许你有个电话应答机。Or maybe you had an answering machine.

你的应答机编码3101没有显示。Your squawking 3101 is not displaying.

他逐点应答了我的不同见解。He answered my argument point for point.

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而现在,我听到你呼唤我乳名时的应答。Through my obedience. When I answer now.

用于应答或流控制。Used for acknowledgements or flow control.

我的应答机里有11条留言!I have 11 messages on my answering machine!

他们当时正在应答一个骚扰电话。They were responding to a disturbance call.

暴力是文盲常采用的巧妙应答。Violence is the repartee of the illiterate.

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然后它可以对这个TPDU进行处理,并发送一个应答。It can then process the TPDU and send a reply.

接着就有了这样,政治性的应答。And then there is this very political response.

南家叫了技术性加倍,西家以再加倍应答。South doubles for a take-out and West redoubles.

如果在我敲门的时候你没有应答,我就试着撬开它。If you don’t answer when I knock, I try the door.

她拨打了911,急切地等待警方的应答。She dials 911 and waits desperately for an answer.

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楼西月依旧没有应答。Building west the month remained don't ought reply.

即使在我们考虑应答队列时也是如此。This is true even when we consider reply-to queues.

声音的收件箱是一个电话应答机为你的电话。Voice Inbox is an answering machine for your phone.