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对杨度的君主立宪思想进行总体评价。Overall evaluate Yang Du's constitutional monarchy idea.

这个君主立宪制国家的部分问题现在比以往更加明朗化了。The monarchy is now, more clearly than ever, part of the problem.

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君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688.

柏克的权利理论是为英国君主立宪政体辩护的理论。Burke's theory of rights is a theory in defense of British Constitutional Monarchy.

阐述杨度的君主立宪思想的具体内容及特点。Clarify detailed content and characteristics of Yang Du's constitutional monarchy idea.

1910年的革命结束了第一共和国时期的葡萄牙君主立宪制。In 1910 a republican revolution deposed the Portuguese monarchy starting the First Republic.

柬埔寨现在是一个君主立宪制国家,首相行使行政权。Cambodia is now a constitutional monarchy where executive power is held by the prime minister.

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1911年开始摩纳哥成为君主立宪国家,亲王作为国家元首。Monaco has been governed as a constitutional monarchy since 1911, with the Prince as head of state.

1932年泰国实施君主立宪制后,王室对箜舞的支持日益减弱。With the change to a constitutional monarchy in 1932, royal support for Khon performances declined.

一个独特的方面,德国占领丹麦是君主立宪制是原封不动。One of the unique aspects of the German occupation of Denmark was that the monarchy was left intact.

这场改革运动的中心任务,就是仿效日本建立资产阶级性质的君主立宪制国家。The key task of this reform movement is to establish a capitalist constitutional monarchy after Japan.

在19世纪,Bhumibol继位,泰国的君主立宪制已被剥夺权力,没有威望。When at nineteen Bhumibol assumed the throne, the Thai monarchy had been stripped of power and prestige.

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在政治体制上,他主张宪政主义,把资产阶级的君主立宪制作为理想的政治制度。In polity, He is in favor of constitutionalism and take constitutional monarchy as ideal political system.

还有人要求建立君主立宪政体,以及更多的权利和其他改革。Others have taken to the streets over the creation of a constitutional monarchy, more rights and other reforms.

君主立宪政体借款需经议会同意,因此其借款成本要低得多。And constitutional monarchies, which borrowed money with the consent of parliaments, had much lower borrowing costs.

君主立宪派在大革命初期进行了贸易、税制和金融方面的改革。At the beginning of the Revolution, the Feuillants initiated reformations in the field of trade, tax system and finance.

另一方面,邦国制自身的封建性决定了它的最终命运——不可避免地被君主立宪制度所代替。On the other hand, the feudality of territorial states determined it was doomed to be replaced by constitutional monarchy.

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如果红衫军反对尊敬的普密蓬国王陛下,并想废除君主立宪制,我愿向他们发出公正的警告。If the Red's are against the venerable HM Bumiphol and would like the monarchy to go away, I would issue them fair warning.

因而在中国的清朝后期,君主立宪制政治方向的选择也成为一种主流目标。The late Qing Dynasty in China, thus, constitutional monarchy political direction has become a mainstream choice of targets.

作为君主立宪派的中坚,杨度对清末民族问题有比较系统的认识,并曾以民族问题向革命派发难,宣传君主立宪。As the backbone of the Constitutional Monarchy Group, Yang Du held systematic views on the problems in the late Qing dynasty.