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生藤黄只能作外用。Health Garcinia for external use only.

中国藤黄科植物花粉形态的研究。Pollen morphology of Guttiferae in China.

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什么是藤黄果和HCA?为什么称其为“神奇的植物?What Is Garcinia Cambogia and HCA? Why is it called a 'Miraculous Plant'?

比较藤黄生品及其炮制品的急性毒性和抗炎作用。The acute toxicity and anti-inflammatory effect of processed and raw Gamboge were compared.

你也应该小心尝试减肥补充剂,如藤黄果。You should also be careful about trying weight loss supplements, such as Garcinia Cambogia.

结果HPMC和EC用量显著影响新藤黄酸的释药速率,乳糖用量、压片压力和桨转速的影响较小。Results The rate of neogambogic acid release was mainly controlled by the amount of HPMC and EC.

这使得藤黄成为一种控制肥胖和胆固醇的有效草药。This has made Garcinia a very effective herbal medicine for controlling obesity and cholesterol.

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藤黄酸是传统中药藤黄中的重要成分。Gambogic acid is the major active component isolated from the gamboge resin of Garcinia hanburyi tree.

证明首乌藤黄酮是一种良好的抗氧化功能性化合物。It proved that the Caulis polygoni multiflori flavonoids was a kind of good functional peptides mixture.

原产马来西亚群岛,属藤黄科常绿中型乔木,树高10-20米,树型美观。Malaysia Islands origin, is a medium-sized evergreen tree Gambogic Branch, 10-20 meters high tree, beautiful tree.

目的研究新藤黄酸骨架片体外释药速率的影响因素。Objective To study the influential factors of the release rate of neogambogic acid from sustained release matrix tablets.

目的观察藤黄酸对肿瘤细胞的诱导分化作用。Methods Inducing differentiation effect of gambogic acid were evaluated by proliferation, morphology and function of tumor cells.

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目的探讨复方藤黄酊的制备和质量控制方法,并观察其对带状疱疹的治疗作用。Objective To discuss the preparation and quality control method of compound Gamboge tincture and to observe its treatment efficacy for zoster.

使用苯乙烯共聚合物的上胶纸,对藤黄及墨汁之托色尚佳,对花青及洋红之托色效果不尽理想。Sheets sized with styrene copolymers showed better ink hold-out for cambogia and soot-ink, but less than ideal hold-out for indigo and carmine.

结论藤黄菌素和山萘黄素是两种能够明显抑制HL-60细胞体外增殖,影响其细胞周期分布的黄酮类化合物。Conclusion Luteolin and kaempferol are effective flavonoid compounds which can inhibit the proliferation and affect the cell cycle of HL-60 cell in vitro.

本品是绿茶、巴西莓、藤黄果、海带为主要原料制成的保健食品,经功能实验证明,具有减肥的保健功能。This health product is mainly made of Green Tea, Acai Berry , Garcinia Cambogia, Kel and has been proved to have the weight loss effect by functional experiments.

藤黄制剂系一种含藤黄酸成分的单味中药制剂。近五年来,我们治疗各种恶性肿瘤50例,总有效率64%,其中显效率占16%。Gamboge Preparation, a traditional Chinese herb medicine consisting mainly of gambogic acid, was used in the past five years to treat 50 cases of malignant tumors.

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研究人员对是否能够在其他种类的细菌,包括枯草芽孢杆菌,藤黄微球菌以及大肠杆菌中重现这种浓度梯度进行了试验。The experimenters tested whether they could replicate the slime gradient in other kinds of bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli.

藤黄含有一种生物活性化合物,已知这种物质能够抑制血脂及脂肪酸的合成,并降低低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯的形成。Garcnia Cambogia contains a biologically active compound which is known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids and lower the formation of LDL and triglycerides.

它由藤黄果皮精制,医学证实能在餐后减低脂肪制造量,并将其转化为肝糖,降低食欲减少空腹感。Gamboge refined by the pericarp, medicine proven to reduce fat in the postprandial manufacture and converted into glycogen, reducing appetite, reducing the sense of fasting.