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追踪和过滤。Tracking and filtering.

别再说“自动过滤洛杉矶”了!加入我们吧!Don't beat L. A. ! Join us!

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喝大量的过滤水。Drink plenty of filtered water.

我需要它帮我过滤来电者.I need it to filter out callers.

它还执行选择、过滤和排序。It also selects, filters, and sorts.

然后BPA便过滤到容器里面。BPA then leaches into the containers.

阳光过滤了整座房子。Sunlight percolated the entire house.

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然后用筛子把豆腐过滤一下。Then filter the curd through a sieve.

然后过滤汤汁让肉慢慢冷却。Filter the broth and let it cool down.

用细筛过滤牛奶上的奶皮。Sift the milk to remove the milk skin.

你需要把饮用水过滤。You need to filter the drinking water.

过滤芯等过滤材料。The filters and other filter materials.

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然后回到WPE。打开一个新过滤。Then go back to WPE, open a new Filter.

模式过滤适用于所有文件夹。Filters for schema apply to all folders.

地球之船采集和过滤雨水。Earthships collect and filter rain water.

过滤采用PG型精密微孔过滤机。PG type fine microporous filter was used.

把番茄末放筲萁中过滤成番茄汁。Squeeze tomatoes through sieve into bowl.

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换句话说,使用NDK的东西只是过滤。IOW, use the NDK stuff just for filtering.

纹理的各向异性过滤等级。Anisotropic filtering level of the texture.

你愿意打开反网络钓鱼过滤功能么?Do you want to turn on the phishing filter?