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你使我觉得精神为之一振。You make me feel like a brand-new man.

但是,把咖啡残渣变废为宝的想法可能还是能使你为之一振吧!Still, it's an idea that could perk you up.

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这消息使所有人都为之一振。The news has given everyone a massive boost.

这让为安全问题忧心忡忡的官员们为之一振。That gives security-conscious officials the shivers.

疲倦困乏的士兵们看到将军的出现,士气为之一振。The General's appearance was a shot in the arm for the weary soldiers.

外面烈日炎炎,你需要一杯可口的鸡尾酒来让精神为之一振。It's hot out, and you want a cocktail that's as refreshing as it is delicious.

每日清晨一杯香醇的咖啡不仅能使你精神为之一振,有时候可能还会挽救你的生命。A morning caffeine fix might do more than perk you up – it could save your life.

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帮助别人对他们的人生作出巨大的积极的转变,这个想法让我为之一振。The idea of helping people make huge positive change in their lives was thrilling.

排气管将一股废气送到了房中,一股熟悉的气息迎面扑来,我的精神为之一振。The exhaust sent an end gas into our room. How familiar smell that was! And it revivified me.

即使如此,该发现还是让科学家为之一振,他们期待开普勒能有更多新发现。Still, the discovery has scientists optimistic about what else Kepler might be able to reveal.

“我们都在希望他回归,杰拉德的回归则是让队中所有人精神为之一振。”他对天空体育如此说。We all want the talisman back. It gives everyone a lift to see him back, " he told Sky Sports."

今早醒来看到阳光从窗户洒进来,精神立刻为之一振。I woke up this morning to sunshine streaming through my window and my spirits lifted immediately.

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当有人显示友善时,我们会精神为之一振,并让我们心怀感激。When someone shows us kindness it lifts our spirits and gives us an unexplainable feeling of gratitude.

天气很冷,当我突然想到寒冷有多么美妙后,不由精神为之一振。As cold as it was, I suddenly was invigorated thinking about how wonderful this extreme cold really was.

尽管尚不清楚这个消息究竟意味着什么,但它无法阻止世界市场为之一振。Precisely what it meant was unclear, but that didn't stop the world's stock markets' rallying on the news.

我们很高兴看到他回来,他使大家的精神为之一振,而他的活跃也影响了整个更衣室。We are content to have him back as he gives everyone a lift and his liveliness helps the whole dressing room.

阿拉伯国家已经开始给叛军提供武器弹药,令后者的战力、士气为之一振。Arab countries are already delivering weapons and ammunition to the rebels, boosting their capabilities and morale.

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雅典地标图片。走过去精神为之一振各色具备的咖啡杯,乐器,和老时钟提供销售在跳蚤市场区。The past comes alive in the assorted coffee cups, musical instruments, and old clocks for sale in the Monastiraki district.

一半的纸板箱卸了下来,可怜的小车长舒了一口气,精神和车体同时为之一振。When half of the mysterious cartons were removed from the minibus, the poor uplifted vehicle let out a long moan of relief.

心里一下子象打开了多年关闭着的窗户,精神为之一振。It was as if a window in our minds that had been closed for many years was now opening, and our spirits were completely revived.