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即某市公安局刑侦大队实习生李某致人轻伤案。Be that case of the probationer causing somebody slight wound case.

主人公冯鸿涛是刑侦支队的支队长。The detachment that hero Feng Hong Tao is punishment detect detachment is long.

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警察局长向伦敦警察厅刑侦处前来交流的侦探示范了他的工作机制。The Chief of Police was showing themechanisms of his work to a visiting operative from Scotland Yard.

介绍了刑侦人像组合系统主要内容及工作原理。The main content and operation principle of the Portrait Composition system are introduced in this paper.

闻名刑侦资深专家物故前给孙辈留下一个自已一辈子终未破解的迷题。Famous detective senior experts to die before their grandchildren leaving a life end not crack the puzzle.

将数码照相机应用到刑侦工作中,可以提高工作效率,节省开支。The application of digital to camera to criminal investigation can improve work efficiency and save expenses.

刑侦改革已经进行了三年多时间,其间出现了不少新情况、新问题。It has been three years for the criminal investigation reform. Many new cases and problems arose during the time.

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事件收录于刑侦绝密档案“黔岭精神病院怪谈”。Incident is collected at archives of punishment detect top-secret " bughouse talks about Guizhou mountain quite ".

“省政府已经派来了10位刑侦和法医专家来重新调查女孩死因”,新华社报道说。The provincial government has sent 10 criminal investigators and forensic experts to reinvestigate the death, ' it said.

侦审一体化机制是我国公安机关进行刑侦体制改革以来推出的一项重要举措。To integrate criminal investigation and interrogation is an important measure in the reforms of criminal investigation in China.

在当代刑侦中,摹拟画像技术和相关软件系统显得越来越重要。The technology of mock portrait and its relative software system become more and more important in current criminal investigation.

刑侦工作专业化的价值目标是追求侦查效益的最大化,前提是严格执法,保障执法质量。The specialized value goal of it is pursuing the maxim benefit, the prerequisite is to enforce the law strictly, ensure the quality.

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因此,打击黑社会性质犯罪成为我国刑侦的重要迫切的任务之一。So, attack one of the important and urgent task that the nature crime of underworld becomes the criminal investigation of our country.

刑侦实践证明,运用技术侦察是打击严重刑事犯罪有效而且必要的手段。The practice in criminal investigation has proved that technical investigation is a powerful means to crack on serious criminal crimes.

并从理论上系统介绍了木材鉴定在刑侦案件中的应用方法、步骤及注意事项。At the same time, the method to the application of wood identification in criminal detection are theoretically and systematically introduced.

最后,基于以上分析,笔者在最后一章对如何进一步深化我国刑侦体制改革提出了对策与建议。And at last, the author offers ways to reform system of criminal investigation according to the causes of the problems existing in the reform.

女博士布莱南是个刑侦检验专家,善于从受害者的遗骸中发现破桉线索。Female doctor bligh south is a criminal investigation inspection experts, is good at from the remains of victims found broken eucalyptus clues.

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新建县公安局刑侦大队办案民警万成云告诉记者,犯罪分子非常狡猾。The criminal investigation brigade of the new county public security bureau million into the police Cloud told reporters that criminals very cunning.

根据刑侦工作的特点、要求,提出了刑事影像设备配置选择方案。According to the characteristics of criminal detection, this paper presents several kinds of digital imaging equipment that can be used in criminal detection.

在当前形势下,开展刑事侦察防范是加强刑侦工作的一项重要措施。In the current situation, implementing proactive reconnaissance in criminal investigation is one of the important measures to enhance the work of criminal investigation.