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水声,轻声细语,风声,拉练。Disc 28 Water, Whistles, Wind, Zippers.

“我受不了这种拉练了!”我真的很生气。"I'm getting tired of this drill! " I said. It was truly exasperating.

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例如,那些在英德拉练中那些我们需要提升的地方。For example, in England and Germany we learned where we need to improve.

据报道,穆里尼奥许诺将会在美国的拉练中派出更多的新面孔出场。In a statement, Mourinho promised more new faces in his squad for the US tour.

本机适于粘扣带,松紧带,塑胶拉练,纸带,塑胶带,排线,套管。Suitable for cutting hook &Loop fastener, elastics , plastic zipper, paper, plastics.

前方航海标志,皮革天鹅绒手提,旁边两个拉练口袋。Nautical embroidery fronts a leather-trimmed velour tote with two outside zip pockets.

最受欢迎的是带拉练口袋的内衣,可以把钱和贵重物品藏在其中。One popular item is underwear with zippered pockets, to keep money and valuables close.

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一名印度宇航员还会在2013年登上俄罗斯国际空间站进行拉练。An Indian astronaut will also get a "trial run" abroad a Russian Soyuz spacecraft in 2013.

但是他后来听从了新的建议,并且在夏季进行了休养,并在季前拉练前回到了柯布汉姆训练基地。However he acted on new advice and then took a summer rest before returning for pre-season at Cobham.

“大多数CEO并不关心他们自己的个人表现,因为他们每一天都最好“,他说“在将来5到10年之内最大的发展是向科学、心理学、运动表现和拉练等领域的学习”。"Most CEOs don't take care of their own personal performance, being at their best everyday," he said.

为期一周的巡回比赛最终场内场外双丰收,令人们对旅行拉练的担忧一扫而空。Fears about the travelling were eased as the week-long tour proved a success both on and off the pitch.

同时,“小流氓”们会被编入英军,进行步枪拉练和哨兵巡岗的演习。Meanwhile rogues will enlist in the British Army. They'll learn musket drills and patrol the sentry wall.

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方便清洗,只内拉练拉开,把内部发热片取出来即可进行清洗。Convenient for washing, take out the heating fin after opening the zipper to cleanse, simple and convenient for use.

重量和合身的结构设计达到符合人体的最佳程度,有舒适的帽子和60”长度的拉练。Weight and bulk are kept to a minimum with a contoured shape to fit the body, a snug fitting hood and a 60" zipper."

这多次被重复,直到一个微小的被拉练的袋子大约一个小硬币钱包的大小被生产从的内部。This is repeated over and over until a tiny zippered bag about the size of a small coin purse is produced from within.

你知道全连哪一个不愿全副武装加倍拉练,然后在那个家伙早餐咖啡里撒尿?You know a man in the company who wouldn't double-time Currahee with a full pack, just to pass in that guy's morning coffee?

季前赛能够随队参加瑞士拉练对我来说太美妙了,这给我足够的自信。It was also fantastic to be part of the squad for the pre-season training camp in Switzerland and that gave me a lot of confidence.

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北京时间今日凌晨,中国男篮在贝尔格莱德的一场世锦赛热身赛中以53比89不敌塞尔维亚,遭遇本次海外拉练五连败。The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Serbia in Belgrade Sunday night 53-89, its fifth consecutive defeat in the FIBA tune-up tourney.

何芸紧急集合大家,要求他们在没有指北针的情况下野外拉练,各组三人必须同时到达才能算成绩。He Yun urgent gather everyone, ask them in the absence of ones field tour, three groups of people have to arrive at the same time to calculate.

季前拉练是为了在我们的球队里建立团队精神,只有被批准和足球有关的正当理由的请假才可以缺席。Pre-season training and the tour is about building team spirit among our squad and extra leave is only granted for valid, football-related reasons.