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马列德勒是他的独特个性的现象。Marlen Spindler is the phenomenon of his unique individuality.

流亡的伊朗国王穆罕默德·礼萨·马列维在埃及去世。Mohammad Reza Pahlavi , the Shah of Iran, died in Ehypt in exile.

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马列哲学大家,先是毛,后是邓,其他人不敢突破。Marxist-Leninist philosophy of we, first of Mao, Deng after other people dare not break.

因此,建设“当代形态”的“马列文论”首先要解决的问题是打破这种“封闭性”。Thus, we must at first break up these kinds of closure in constructing this contemporary form.

马列德勒名列从20世纪下半叶最好的俄罗斯画家。Marlen Spindler ranks among the best Russian painters from the second half of the 20th century.

她作品中的黑色和红色让人联想到马列维奇对黑与红的探索。The black and red color in her work may remind people of how Malevich discovered black and red.

召开全体会议前,我们联系了尼泊尔议会和联合马列的领导人,并想把他们请到罗尔泊。Before the plenum, we contacted the Nepali Congress and UML leaders and tried to bring them to Rolpa.

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奴才及其主子还不还政与民,滚回德国马列祖宗家去。The slave and his master political back to people, and Go back homeland for Marx and Lenin's Germany!

例如一种用产自马列达加斯加可可豆制作的优质巧克力有一种非常有趣的酸味。For example, one fine chocolate made with cacao grown in Madagascar has a very interesting sour taste.

这种情况,是马列毛先生始料不及的,同时也可以说,是他们所不愿意看到的。This kind of situation, is marxist-leninist hair sir unexpectedly, also can say, is that they are unwilling to see.

杰米-卡拉格希望利物浦能把皇马列入最近几个赛季他们欧冠战利品的名单中。Jamie Carragher is hopeful Liverpool can add Real Madrid to their list of notable European scalps over recent seasons.

布拉格中场马列。马特约夫斯基警告利物浦勿小看他们因为他的球队的实力是足于在英超立足的。SPARTA PRAGUE midfielder Marek Matejovsky has warned Liverpool his team are good enough to play in the Premier League.

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其次分析了抗战时期翻译马列著作的社会条件。Secondly analysed the war of resistance against aggression particular period interpretes Ma Lie's book community terms.

古巴最为杰出的同性恋权力活动家是马列拉·卡斯特罗,她是菲德尔·卡斯特罗的侄女,总统劳尔·卡斯特罗的女儿。Cuba's most prominent gay rights activist is Mariela Castro, Fidel's niece and the daughter of the president, Raúl Castro.

在画布上的颜色在此期间的暴力行为,马列宾特勒试图让他过去作为一个艺术家的气质。In the violence of colour on canvasses during that period, Marlen Spindler tried to get past his temperament as an artist.

马列支付他向往自由“毫不妥协”和艺术的独立性,在15年的监禁和流放。Marlen paid for his yearning for freedom "without compromise" and artistic independence during 15 years of jail and exile.

组织者朱莉亚·莫利打算取消她的参赛资格,马列可这才转变了观念,摘下面纱,最后还是参加了比赛。After contest organizer Julia Morley disqualified her, Malek changed her mind, removed the veil and was allowed to compete.

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然而,在以往那些时候,每当?提到鲁。高因的时候是把它作为一个最终的目标,一个马列维林梦想着征服的目标。Yet, in all that time, the only mention of Lut Gholein had been as an eventual target, one that Malevolyn had dreamed of conquering.

十年中,马列理论课经历了两次改革,一次动荡和数次组织机构的变动。In the past ten years, the course of Marxism-Leninism experienced two reforms, one turbulence and several adjustments of organization.

在党内工作我感到很愉快,因为我不必到学校去就能接受到马列毛主我的教育。I am very happy to be working in the party because I did not get to study in school but now I'm being educated in Marxism-Leninism- Maoism.