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我们用海豹皮作大衣。We used the seal's for coats.

他们把标矛掷向海豹。They darted spears at the seal.

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第八海豹突击队。深入敌后。Seal. Team. Eight. Behind. Enemy.

海豹沿着海滩啪嗒啪嗒地翻动着。The seals flipped along the beach.

威德尔海的一只海豹摆好姿势来张特写。A weddell seal posing for a snapshot.

快看,大人,“宫凯说,”一只海豹!"Look, sir, "said Gong, "It's a seal!

爱斯基摩人用海豹皮做坚韧的线。Eskimos use seal to make tough threads.

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一只僧海豹躺在夏威夷,考艾岛的沙滩上。Hawaiian monk seal on the beach in Kauai.

环斑海豹通常在洞穴的底部生育。Ringed seal pups are reared in snow dens.

美国海豹直升机被塔利班击落。Seals' copter shot down by Taliban rocket.

海豹、海龟、企鹅均有鳍状肢。Seals, turtles and penguins have flippers.

一只海豹躲在浮游生物的幕面。A sea leopard behind a curtain of plankton.

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有一天,一只尖叫的海豹就撞沉了一艘船。A whistling seal sank a ship the other day.

那些海豹是如此的可爱跟无辜。These seals are so loveliness and harmless.

霍华德‧瓦森曾担任海军海豹特遣部队成员达九年。Howard Wasdin was a Navy SEAL for nine years.

其他海豹队员选择的是赫克勒-科赫MP7。Others SEALs had chosen the Heckler &Koch MP7.

冠海豹因它们头上的冠而得名。A hooded seal get its name the hood on its head.

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一只南极海豹跳入南极水中。A leopard seal plunges through Antarctic waters.

原因是这头17个月大的小僧海豹正在变得愈发成熟。That's because the 17-month-old pup is maturing.

不同于海豹,海象不能一直游泳。Unlike seals, walruses cannot swim indefinitely.