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我承接及设计的一间学校的舞蹈室。A Dance Room I am making for a school.

这是承接要案的专业公司。This is a go-to firm for important cases.

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第二空腔承接转动轴。The second hollow space receives a rotation shaft.

我公司还承接国外装饰工程。We also undertake from abroad decoration projects.

我想,我们承接的小项目数量将超过大项目。I think we’d have more small projects than big ones.

她承接了歼灭使徒的使命。She took on the mission of exterminating the apostles.

这自然地承接了前面的问题。This follows on naturally from the previous questions.

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并且长期承接外贸服装订单。And long-term undertaking foreign trade clothing orders.

青岛铁艺不锈钢主要承接不锈钢防盗门。Qingdao Iron Art Stainless Steel Door major undertaking.

我方现在能够承接大宗订单,现货供应。We are able now to execute from stock the largest orders.

我厂可承接非标及特型LED照明产品的加工订做。We may produce nonstandard and special size LED products.

另外,本厂还承接各种要求的轴芯加工和维修。What's more, our factorycan process and repair axletrees.

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本厂同时承接来图非标业务。The factory also plans to undertake non-standard business.

欢迎联系,本店承接韩版女装批发!Welcome to contact, we can wholesale Korean female clothing.

本店承接钟表眼镜小修小补业务。Our shop makes running repairs on clocks, watches and glasses.

支持人员作好了承接支持这个系统的准备了吗?Is the support staff ready to take over support for the system?

承接各类测绘项目。Services for conventional photogrammetric and mapping projects.

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并且承接各种铝制品来样加工。To undertake a variety of aluminum products and sample processing.

承接多普达售后,服务等等系列问题。Dopod to undertake after-sales, service, and so a series of issues.

你要将承接圣职所献公羊的肉煮在圣处。Take the ram for the ordination and cook the meat in a sacred place.