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关隘有重兵把守。The pass was heavily guarded.

那时这地方有重兵把守。In those days the place was heavily guarded.

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敌人以重兵包围了该镇。The enemy beset the town with a strong army.

现在他们被关在重兵把守的修道院里。They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries.

韩国旅行团此后不曾越过重兵驻守的朝韩边境。South Korean tourist groups no longer travel across the heavily armed inter-Korean border.

奥巴马在重兵把守的阿富汗总统府同卡尔扎伊总统共进午餐,双方同时举行了会谈。Barack Obama held talks over lunch with President Hamid Karzai at the heavily guarded presidential palace.

奥达尔的入口处隐藏得很巧妙且有水晶傀儡重兵把守,但一个聪明的冒险者能潜行进去。The entrance is well-hidden and heavily guarded by crystalline golems , but a clever individual can sneak inside.

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中国升级了两国边境其境内的道路建设,而印度则向边境增派重兵。China has upgraded roads on its side of the border while India has boosted troop numbers on its more challenging terrain.

清晨的阳光终于在巴黎的城墙前照到了他们身上。他们走近的时候路障关闭着,并有重兵把守。Daylight at last found them before the wall of Paris. The barrier was closed and strongly guarded when they rode up to it.

他手握数百万重兵,指挥若定迫使敌人按他的步子走。He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will.

与此同时,苏联人急切的希望夺下德国人重兵把守的布雷斯劳,另一个东线的要点。Another pivotal point on the Eastern Front at this time was the German defense of Breslau, which the Soviets badly wanted to take.

在北朝鲜一侧的边境由重兵把守。在一些地方每隔数公里就有军事观察哨。The border seems to be more heavily guarded on the North Korean side. There are military points every few kilometres in some places.

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看有间房重兵把守,坂田阻止,江海洋让他开门发现楼梯通往底下刑房。See a room heavily guarded, Sakata, Jiang ocean so he opened the door and found underneath the staircase leading to the torture chamber.

清方剿捕重点的转移使拜上帝会于起事后不久便面临着重兵围困,形势相当险峻。As the new extermination object of the Qing troops, the Society of God Worshipers was soon heavily besieged and in a vulnerable position.

但这个前几天重兵压境的架势相比,撤退看起来则是一个极小的动作。However this was a small gesture compared with the steady flow of troops and armour heading in the opposition direction in previous days.

会谈星期一在板门店举行,这个小村庄横跨分隔南北韩、由重兵把守的军事分界线。The meeting took place Monday in Panmunjeom, the village straddling the heavily armed military demarcation line separating the two Koreas.

奥运火炬传递在重兵布防反对者的情况下完成了世界之行的最近一站——印度首都新德里。The Olympic torch relay has completed the latest leg of its world tour in India's capital, Delhi, amid heavy security to protect it from protests.

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岛上居民对一年四季重兵把守的基地心存安慰,但也担心是否更容易使夏威夷成为攻击的目标。People took comfort in the heavy, year-round military presence provided by several bases here but also wondered if it made the state more of a target.

穆蒂的球队在两翼上布重兵,也很喜欢进攻,另外他们的进攻线也很强大,有多尼和蒂里博基这样的球员。Bortolo Mutti's formation has players on the wings who tend to attack a lot and others who have an offensive idea of football like Doni and Tiribocchi.

印、巴两国数十年来一直维持着堪称现代历史上最为敌对的邻国关系,两国在其喜马拉雅山边界一线均部署有重兵。Decades into one of the most bitter neighborly rivalries in modern history, both countries maintain huge troop deployments along their Himalayan border.