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他是个滥竽充数的演员。He is a an actor.

他是一个特技替身演员?。He was a stuntman?

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喜剧演员比尔·伯尔如此说道。Comedian Bill Burr.

这是一个演员休息室。This is a greenroom.

他是个很糟糕的演员。He is an awfuly actor.

她以前是个演员。She usta be an actress.

大卫。艾尔文是一位演员。David Irvin is an actor.

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他是个性格演员。He 's a character actor.

她是一名电视台演员。She is an actress on TV.

杂技演员表演的绝技。A performance by mummers.

他同意这样的演员阵容。He agrees to the casting.

他是一个相当好的演员。He is quite a good actor.

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他好像是一位著名演员。He seemed a famous actor.

他真是一位诙谐的演员。He is such a jocose actor.

她是一个性格演员。She's a character actress.

查诺里斯是一个坏演员。Chuck Noris is a bad actor.

你说过你曾经是一名演员。You said you were an actor.

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汝是演员还是观众?Are thou player or audience?

她是舞蹈员或是歌唱演员?Be she a dancer or a singer?

他是一个专业歌唱演员。He is a professional singer.