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最后的宗教节日在耶稣升天节达到高潮。The final fiesta climaxed on Ascension Day.

他们为一颗树的灵魂升天表示哀悼。They mourn the spirit of a tree when it dies.

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以利亚要升天了,而以利沙则必须留下。Elijah is going to heaven, and Elisha must stay behind.

自从耶稣升天后,我们已经处在「末后的日子」里。We have been in "the last days" since Jesus' ascension.

耶稣升天后,宗徒们从橄榄山回到耶路撒冷。The apostles returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem.

吃到它的人,能白日升天,成为上仙。Humans who eat it will reach consummation and become deities.

最后的宗教节日在耶稣升天节达到高潮。Jesus goes back to Heaven this event is called The Ascension.

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耶稣在升天之前也应许将赐下圣灵。This is the spirit promised by Jesus just before his ascension.

在经济紧缩,金融得道升天的情况下,就业将很严峻。Employment will shrink in a financial spiral of economic austerity.

渡渡鸟应身系一签,其云“让我彻底升天吧”。The dodo should just have a sign on him that says, “Please kill me.”

说完这话以后,上帝离开了亚伯拉罕升天而去。When he had finished talking with Abraham, God ascended and left him.

被接上升“是什么“,是指耶稣升天至天堂吗?Now what is that? "Taken up," -does that refer to Jesus ascension into heaven?

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上升天秤的你喜欢参加聚会,喜爱度假并且十分享受其中的乐趣。Parties, holidays, laughter, fun, and good times are what Libra Ascendants revel in.

我猜想这是希望他们不要敲下来,因为耶稣升天驳船!I guess it would be hoped that they don't knock Jesus down as they barge into Heaven!

传说,真武大帝修炼升天后,在涛钕的住所就叫“天乙真庆宫”。" Legend Great Zhenwu practicing heaven in heaven's home called "real-lifetime Palace.

在我为圣母升天日的宴会做准备的那个早上,夜里的梦魇始终在我心头萦绕。The nightmare haunted me all morning as I prepared for the feast day of the Assumption.

教会开始并无圣诞节,约在耶稣升天后百余年内才有。Christmas did not start the church, about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven only.

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传说,真武大帝修炼升天后,在天上的住所就叫“天乙真庆宫”。" Legend, Great Zhenwu practicing heaven, in heaven's home called "real-lifetime Palace.

复活节周复活节季节,从复活节开始到圣灵降临节、升天节或三一…The Easter season, extending from Easter to Ascension Day, Whitsunday, or Trinity Sunday.

明天,既是懒虫们的工作日,也是傻瓜们的改革时,更是凡人们躺着梦想升天的好日子。Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fools reform, and mortal men lay hold of heaven.