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但是请注意刚才我的步骤。But notice what I did.

仅执行这些步骤。Perform only these steps.

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这是一个可选的步骤。This is an optional step.

每星期进行一个步骤。Work on one step each week.

移徙常常是分步骤进行的。Migration is often stepwise.

然后跳过了一些步骤。I'm going to skip some steps.

检查每个步骤的流程。Examine the flow of each step.

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接下来的步骤是确定优先级。The next step is prioritizing.

我们把这一步骤叫做“下载”。We call the step down-loading.

接下来的步骤是。Here's what I'd like you to do.

所花费的步骤数是一样的。Right, in the binary case, bam.

这涉及几个步骤Well,it involves several steps.

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但是,操作步骤是一样的。However, the steps are the same.

再进行同样的步骤。Now, I do the same process here.

这分为三个步骤。It's really a three-step process.

所以,正确的步骤是什么呢?So what is the correct procedure?

做出明智决策的十个步骤Ten Steps to Wise Decision-Making

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这两个步骤不能搞混了。The two steps cannot be confused.

这是最容易忽略的步骤。This is the most overlooked step.

我发现这是一个两步骤的过程。I found it to be a 2-step process.