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他们在筵席上狂饮。They liquored up at the feast.

他们为筵席搞到一头猪。They foraged a pig for the feast.

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筵席之后王子猛打嗝。After the feast the prince belched hugely.

爱的筵席是心事,伤悲,筵席和一醉。Love Feast is worry, sorrow, feast and drunk.

在逾越节筵席结束时,他们唱起了赞美诗。At the end of a Passover meal, they sang a hymn.

美味筵席,还得餐具衬托。Delicate banquet, return so that tableware foils.

但正如人们所说,天下没有不散的筵席。But all good things must come to an end, as they say.

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当日杀牛宰马,大张筵席。That day, oxen and horses were slaughtered for the feast.

这个小饭馆承办不了这么大规模的结婚筵席。The small restaurant couldn't cater such a large wedding.

押尼珥带着二十个人来到希伯仑见大卫,大卫就为押尼珥和他带来的人设摆筵席。So Abner came to David to Hebron, and twenty men with him.

王带着哈曼来赴王后以斯帖的筵席。So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.

国王带着哈曼来赴王后以斯帖的筵席。So the king and Haman came to take wine with Esther the queen.

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公元30年四月一日的那个夜晚,为了向耶稣表达敬意,有人预备了筵席。That evening, April 1, A. D. 30, a feast was held in Jesus' honor.

于是王带着哈曼赴以斯帖所预备的筵席。So the king and Haman came to the banquet that Esther had prepared.

于是王带着哈曼赴以斯帖所预备的筵席。So the king and Haman came to the feast which Esther had made ready.

中国筵席上的酒通常是啤酒、黄酒和白酒三种。Usually beer, yellow wine and liquor are served at a Chinese banquet.

撒母耳就使耶西和他众子分别为圣,请他们来赴献祭的筵席。And he sanctified Jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice.

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罗得为他们预备筵席,烤无酵饼,他们就吃了。He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate.

并且妄论神,说,神在旷野岂能摆设筵席吗?They spoke against God, saying, 'Can God spread a table in the desert?

我们的一切字句,都是从心思的筵席上散落下来的残屑。All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.