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实际上,我从未与她打过照面。Actually, I've never met her face to face.

他抬起双眼,跟那座逼视着的挂钟打了个照面。He raised his eyes and met the stare of a bilious clock.

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当你与面试者照面,提供一份你的履历表。When you greet the interviewer, offer a copy of your resume.

我们就是两个背靠背站着的女孩,互不照面。We face away from each other, simply two girls standing back to back.

卷首插图和扉页照面的页上插图。Frontispiece illustration on the page facing the title page of a book.

为了避免打个照面,他紧靠铁道陆桥的柱子那边走。To avoid a meeting he drew nearer to the pillars of the railway bridge.

这个祝福,在早起的第一照面里,我已经很在意地送给他了。This blessing, early in the first encounter, I have been very concerned for him.

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做卡车司机的某一天,他跟死神打了个照面。One day while he was working as a lorry driver, he had a close encounter with death.

在铜镜未流行前,人们用铜鉴盛水照面,故镜又称鉴。In the mirror is not popular, people used copper water Kam head-to-head, so-called Kam.

除了在学校偶遇打个照面,他们的生活很少有交集。In addition to the school to make a face to face encounter, their lives rarely intersect.

在这之前,这颗土星最大的卫星仅仅只是在极其匆忙之中,与少数的航天探测器打了个照面。Before that, Saturn's largest satellite had only been hastily approached by a handful of space probes.

一如我们所料,本场比赛的对手很难缠。在小组赛第一场的时候我们两队就已经打过照面了。This rival was as difficult as we thought they would be. We had an experience with them in the first game.

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海德格尔素朴的观看是先天的寻视,这样的寻视仅仅对相遇照面的东西有所领会、有所解释。Heidegger's naive view is the prior view that only understands and interprets the things which one encounters.

我也只是刚刚才来到梅尔伍德。虽然我已经和一些新队友打过照面,但目前我还没有更多的机会与他们交流。I haven't been here long. I have met my teammates, but I did not have the chance to spend a lot of time with them.

到了高中,失去好朋友克丽丝汀的伤痛已渐渐弥合,在几次集体聚会时我们也打过照面。By high school, the sting of losing Kristin as a best friend had faded, and we saw each other sometimes in group gatherings.

用于无遮挡的正阳面和西照面外窗时,事前咨询制造商,征求合理建议。Before it is used in no shelter outside windows that faces the sun directly, please consult with manufacturer for suggestions.

从托迪斯搬到柴郡一个“使人害怕的豪华的”区域,她的母亲“与英国阶级结构打了个照面”。Moving from Toxteth to a "frightfully posh" part of Cheshire, her mother came "face to face with the British class structure".

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据说,当时他们正在用鱼叉捕鱼,一只类似巨型海鳗的生物与他们打了个照面,吓得他们差点逃离海面。They allegedly had a very close encounter with a creature like a giant moray eel, which literally scared them out of the water.

铜镜是古代人们照面饰容的日常用具,在我国流行数千年。Bronze mirrors, a daily appliance for ancient people to look in and make up, were prevalent for thousands of years in our country.

在这以前,她一向满足于望着他穿过大路,从不想到要去和他打个照面。Up to that time, she had contented herself with watching him on his passage along the boulevard without ever seeking to encounter him.