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身体的部份用明喻直接作最佳的对照。The body parts are best compared in similes.

这本书中使用了很多明喻。There are many dari ng similes in this book.

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“洁白如雪”是一个明喻的好例子。As white as snow" is a good example of a simile.

看看有没有明喻、暗喻、转喻和提喻。Check for similes metaphors metonymy and synecdoche.

不过这是我已经赐与你们的明喻。This is the simile of what I have just given to you.

语常见的比喻形式有明喻和隐喻。Common language of metaphor and simile form of metaphor.

在英汉语言中,明喻都起到了画龙点睛的作用。Simile makes the finishing point in Chinese and English.

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思想也不能被明喻和寓言阐明。Neither can the mind be explained by similes and parables.

想一想杰弗里哈特曼关于弥尔顿的明喻写的文章。So think of the article on Milton's similes by Geoffrey Hartman.

在资本论中不仅有大量明喻,而且还有许多隐喻。In addition to similes, Marx employs a lot of metaphors in Capital.

追念战争,我能赐与你们一个明喻的讲法。Back to thinking about the battlefield, there is a simile I can give you.

明喻掀起一个冒险的语言艺术的一个令人兴奋的追逐场面。Similes set off an exciting chase scene in an adventure in language arts.

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你将会发现运用明喻和暗喻能创造出强有力的图像。You will find you can use similes and metaphors to create powerful images.

隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning.

这首诗看起来不同于往常地,对明喻在其中扮演的角色有所自知。The poem seems unusually self-conscious about the role that its similes play.

弥尔顿的明喻众人皆知的,非常难懂,正如你们已经领教过的。Milton's similes are notoriously difficult as you no doubt have already experienced.

首先,我们来看看这些将,撒旦的庇护地比作了月亮的明喻。Okay. First of all, let's look at the simile that compares Satan's shield to the moon.

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明喻,作为英汉语言中一种常用的修辞手法,在人们的日常生活中起着无法比拟的作用。Simile, as a kind of commonly used rhetoric, plays a vital role in people's daily life.

我们可以称这些为观察类的明喻,你们会发现它们一一都在讲稿上列出来了。We can call these the observer similes, and you see that they're listed on the handout.

最后,他自然无法理解隐喻、明喻、诗歌甚至复杂的句子。Eventually he couldn’t make sense of metaphors, similes, poems, or even complex sentences.