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这就需要观测更多的伽马射线爆发目标。And this will require observations of many more GRBs.

然而,像银河系这样的星系中,伽马射线爆很少发生。However, GRBs are rare in galaxies like the Milky Way.

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这种辐射是以高频伽马射线的形式出现的。The radiation takes the form of high-frequency gamma rays.

众所周知,伽马射线能量越高,则波长越短。The higher a gamma ray’s energy, the shorter its wavelength.

但地表伽马射线如何能到达太空中安放费米镜的卫星呢?But how can terrestrial gamma rays reach Fermi's orbit in space?

他相信这个过程产生出了费米镜观测到的伽马射线流。He believes that this process supplies the gamma-rays observed by Fermi.

这两个东东很大,高达30,000光年,并因释放伽马射线而绚丽多彩。The blobs are huge—30, 000 light-years tall—and glowing with gamma rays.

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在我们的星系中,大约每一千万年会发生一次伽马射线爆。GRBs are likely to happen in our galaxy around every 10 million years or so.

2008年9月16日,费米望远镜发现了迄今为止最为强烈的伽马射线爆发。On September 16, 2008, Fermi picked up the most powerful GRB observed to date.

迄今为止,观察到的伽马射线爆都来自于遥远的星系,而非来自我们的银河系。To date the GRBs observed have been in distant galaxies and not our own Milky Way.

伽马射线光谱向PIPA设备提供最基本的分析数据。The gamma ray spectrums provide the PIPA equipment with baseline data for analysis.

该系统能进行伽马射线能谱、多路多定标及稳谱测量。It can be used to detect gamma-ray energy spectrum, multi-scaling and steady spectrum.

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这些云在高速粒子冲击下发射伽马射线逃离该残骸。Theseclouds emit gamma rays when struck by high-speed particles escaping the remnants.

它们大约每10秒发出X射线闪光,偶尔还会上演伽马射线爆发。They release flashes of X-raysabout every 10 seconds with an occasional gamma-ray burst.

美国航空航天局“雨燕”号卫星捕捉到的伽马射线余晖,产生于9月16日伽马射线爆发过后。NASA’s Swift satellite picked up the X-ray afterglow of the September 16th gamma-ray burst.

哈勃望远镜捕捉到的这张照片显示的是1999年1月23日伽马射线爆炸的景象。The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of a gamma ray explosion on January 23, 1999.

电磁辐射是,光学光线,红外线,紫外光,无线电x光,和伽马射线。Electromagnetic radiation is optical light, infrared, ultraviolet, radio, x-rays, gamma rays.

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为减小伽马射线计数的涨落,采用了高性能大尺寸BGO晶体。High performance large-size BGO crystal is adopted to reduce fluctuation of gamma-ray counts.

利用钴60—伽马射线辐照保鲜可进一步延长杏脯的保质期。Radiating candied apricot with Co60 gamma-ray could prolong its time of guaranteeing quality.

记录这种光可以使天文学家们将伽马射线跟踪到宇宙中的射线源。Recording this light allows astronomers to trace the gamma rays back to their cosmic sources.